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Messages - TK3600

Pages: [1]
General Calculator Help / My Ti Nspire Ndless OS dilemma
« on: November 05, 2014, 08:55:06 pm »
Currently, I am using Ti Nspire CX OS I want to have Ndless and I must either downgrade to OS 3.1 or upgrade to OS 3.6. If I downgrade, I lose some important features like linear graph, and possibly more buggy. If I upgrade, then there is no going back. Ndless 3.6 is not reboot proof, which means I must reinstall everytime. My friend isn't good at technology, I am doing this for him. This won't be good. However, I heard some OS 3.2 could do the Ndless 3.1. Is this true? Could I install Ndless 3.1?

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