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General Calculator Help / Re: msd8x error 1208?
« on: January 03, 2023, 08:06:14 pm »
I am using msd8x v0.95 - ive tried with multiple sets of batteries, one high voltage (6v+), low voltage, (<5v) and one set of regular 6v.

I used USBTools to figure out that the voltage the usb stick runs on is 200 mah. ive heard you can only use 100 mah through the usb port, so that is probably the issue. If it doesnt work, ill be back

Edit (Eeems): merged double post

General Calculator Help / Re: usb8x error 1208?
« on: January 03, 2023, 05:17:08 pm »
its weird as hell. it used to work flawlessly, but now its just spitting "error 1208 MSD8X cannot continue." whenever i launch the app. should i try a different USB stick?
Using a TI-84+ SE if that makes a difference.

General Calculator Help / msd8x error 1208?
« on: January 03, 2023, 05:04:24 pm »
what does this error code actually mean? i cant find anything on it anywhere in the documentation or on the internet

Yeah, ive been saving properly. The problem with the revision code is i dont know it, my calc was bought from ebay and the number was scratched off. Sorry i couldnt help.

I dont know if this will be helpful, but there are numbers on the PCB that might be of use. The wires are an overclock mod that i have tried both on and off.

Edit (Eeems): Merged double post

Link's awakening game saves dont work. The game runs fine, but save data is either not being read or created when the emulator is closed.
On the other hand, Pokemon Red works fine. I noticed that pokemon has two saves, "POKEMON1" and "POKEMON2" with link's awakening only having "ZELDA" as its data. Is there any way to force link's awakening to use the other save system?

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