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Messages - Deflect

Pages: [1]
News / Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« on: July 18, 2010, 07:13:58 pm »
DJ, I am afraid so, if it wasnt for the fact you can put Cas on a non-CAS, all legal issues would be easily defeated, and ndless2 would be out.

The thing is, that would require someone else breaking the law ... not us. If what were doing is completely legal then why does that affect us? If I made a blueprint for making a baseball bat then why cant I share it with my friends?  because someone might use that to kill someone? I think thats ridiculous.

Piracy is everywhere ...(analogy time again!)  Just because you can have custom firmware for the PSP that *can* allow piracy and ripped isos, far more people use it for legitimate reasons and to add ridiculously awesome new features that Sony would never take the time to add.

Fear of other people using it to break the law shouldn't stop us as long as WE don't!  :) 

News / Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« on: July 18, 2010, 05:20:24 pm »
We need to crack the private key still (I've been out the the loop for a while with work so bear with me if I'm utterly wrong) We have the public keys, all we need to do is kind out the private key (Not a trivial thing) 1024 bit RSA encryption So to factor that .... well that'll take a while. The only thing we can do its throw all the computing power we can at it for a few months (To a few years) cross our fingers and clusers and computing power increases will eventually crack it. Who knows, we could get lucky and crack it easily, but we wont know until we try ...

News / Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« on: July 18, 2010, 04:59:15 pm »
Exactly Graphmaster (and TC01) its like the PSP. (analogy time)

You can downgrade the PSP firmware, but until you are running custom firmware you cant run the latest games and enjoy all of the latest features while being able to run your own code. In a sense its the best of both worlds (No Hannah Montana references please)

Actually a custom OS will probably be the only way we can enjoy compatibility with their dock, the ability to run our own code, and .... whatever wonderful updates/features TI packs into their OS  [/SARCASM] It worked out for the PSP crowd, and assuming we can sign our own OS, or modify theirs then we can get to work on an easy, neatly packed piece of software for the whole TI community to enjoy. In short (what this means to the normal Joe Shmoe) if we can get their keys, then eventually kids will be able to Load apps and games on their calculator easily, and download a simple SDK for writing their own apps, and read up on tutorials.

News / Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« on: July 18, 2010, 04:08:32 pm »
Yeah, but why not at least start the factoring of the keys with boinc like we did last time, and eventually as computing power increases (Well GPUs are really the powerhouses now) we will have it .... ok still in a looong time, but at least eventually we'll have it!

News / Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« on: July 18, 2010, 02:59:12 pm »
Another reason why it'd have to be open source is that people could say devote some cluster computing time to it off an Amazon Cluser or Rackspace Cloud deal. One thing thats really great about it is that if you build it, they will come!

If they try to stop us like they did last time then I think the EFF would again send out letters to TI warning them against their baseless threats as were not making any money off of this, and they are prohibiting legitimate tinkering on OUR hardware.

"This is not about copyright infringement. This is about running your own software on your own device -- a calculator you legally bought,"
- EFF Civil Liberties Director Jennifer Granick

I don't think I could have put it better myself!  :)

News / Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« on: July 18, 2010, 02:32:51 pm »
People care (maybe not as much as us) but they care! If we make it easy to run the program, and write up a story appealing to our fellow hackers about why its important to maintaing OUR rights as hobbists, tinkerers, and programmers, then people will run it and slashdot it.

This calculator is a tool for learning, and learning BASIC, and assembly to write programs and games by FAR did that for me! It shaped me into the person I am today!

I just can't let the generation after ours as screwed up as they already as they are, not have the same experiences!  ;)

News / Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« on: July 18, 2010, 01:47:11 pm »
I think we need to take charge and start factoring the keys like we did with the 83/83+/84, ect. Maybe we'll get lucky and it won't end up taking 10 years. We have OpenCL and powerful gfx cards now (CUDA sucks!) I'd be willing to donate all of my spare CPU/GPU cycles and so will most of the computers at my college (Whether they like it or not! Haha).

We can do this together if we all rise up and take a stand!

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