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Messages - aeTIos
« on: December 01, 2022, 06:51:10 am »
@aeTIos Runer112 gave me the source for either Axe 1.3.0 or 1.2.2 (I can't remember which and taking a quick peek at it I can't tell) a long time ago. If there is some very compelling evidence that he would be OK with me publishing it, I will.
Having looked at it more carefully, it is 1.2.2.
@E37 It is great to hear that at least the source is still around. I had read rumours that the source had been lost! Please hold on to that tightly... make some extra backups. Maybe we can summon @Runer112 somehow.
« on: November 11, 2022, 02:51:34 pm »
... And that's it, then.
Nearly seven years of no updates, and understandably so, with the calculator community dwindling. Nevertheless, in my opinion, Axe Parser will always be one of the greatest programs written, and I've recently picked it up again and am again enjoying its quirks and simplicity. Therefore I think it's a shame that, with the source code closed, no one can ever either learn from this project (it must be a treasure trove of z80 writing) or pick it up again. The chance that either Quigibo or Runer112 are reading this is slim, however, I would want to call upon them to provide a final release with the source code, as a last hurrah for Axe.
Keep rocking your axe, wherever you all may be. Cheers.
« on: March 27, 2018, 02:25:20 am »
Wow that's really impressive. I'm gonna watch how this develops. Do you intend to do anything with it?
« on: May 11, 2016, 03:23:42 am »
So I'm not here for some time and I come back and this thing is almost completed.  Looks very final fantasy esque, looking forward to see this released. Mad props for actually coming back to finish this
« on: March 04, 2016, 01:16:09 pm »
It's no more than logical that the USB devices aren't recognized, as TI has absolutely zero support for them  Try launching the linux bootloader anyway  Don't update to 4.2, that'll only break more things.
« on: December 12, 2015, 07:52:52 am »
... Holy necropost. Here's a couple anime that I watched that are very much worth watching: Sora no Method GATE Aldnoah.Zero
Might have missed a few, but those are reeeal good.
« on: December 11, 2015, 11:39:28 am »
Happy Twenties! Just make sure to leave some learning (Thing Explainer) for the Thirties. Also, I wonder how noisy will your neighbours allow you (+guitar) to be, hehe. 
They're pretty nice, but my house is nicely isolated also so not much of the sound gets to the neighbors.
« on: December 11, 2015, 09:22:17 am »
You have Thing Explainer? Nice!
Oh, also, have a birthday muffin: muffin
Thanks ^.^ And yeah, I asked my parents to get it and they delivered  I've been reading in it yesterday and it's great. Randall knows how to make jokes and he stuffed the drawings full of references to xkcd comics. It also comes with a poster that explains a sky toucher (skyscraper). Overall the book is just beautiful. Best birthday present ever
« on: December 11, 2015, 09:10:54 am »
I turned 20 the day before today. I hate everything because I feel old, but not really. *starts running around in circles because it feels like something bad might happen* So yeah, I got a lot of cool stuff, really one of my better days I was born on ever  I got: This cool metal lines on wood for making nice noises book!  This cool book that explains how stuff works in the ten hundred words people use the most! It also learned me how to write like this.  This cool thing for the box that makes the nice noises that I make with the metal lines on wood even louder nice noises! It tells it to make the nice noises sound different.  This cool... money!  I also got to see my girl friend. That was also nice of course Do you also want to write like this? Go to to check your words as you write! Have a nice day!
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:45:03 am »
The process is entirely reversible, with basically no signs left. Nlaunch CX will actually install the real CAS OS for you, so it'll be fully functional. I'm actually looking for the install guide and the executables also, so bear with me. Also, just as a side note, the process of installing a CAS OS on a non-CAS calc is a bit of an edge case of piracy, because you're paying less and get more. It also shouldn't be used for cheating. Of course, I'm not implying you want to do that, but just sayin'
« on: November 21, 2015, 11:06:13 am »
You can install the CAS OS with Nlaunch CX, I did that. However there might be some limitations on that that I'm not aware of. I'll leave that to the other, more knowledgeable users.
« on: October 09, 2015, 02:03:36 am »
Woah, don't choke yourself! I'd love to see this happen
« on: July 20, 2015, 10:35:46 am »
That looks impressive, like a real roller coaster, or better maybe, a bobsled coaster
« on: March 13, 2015, 09:45:46 am »
We'd all love to thank our dictator @Eeems for running the site every day!
* aeTIos backs away slowly Mommy, I'm scared of dictators... Nice feature though.
« on: February 25, 2015, 07:23:11 am »
Oh, it's just ndless 3.9. I'm still a happy 3.1 user