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Topics - Masinini

Pages: [1]
TI Z80 / Small Game.
« on: May 31, 2011, 04:45:46 pm »
The point of the game is to get your ship into the loading dock. Having malfunctions with the engine, you can only use one thruster to drift into other objects, thus stopping you, and allowing you to rotate.

You need to send Both "ZZZ" and "LVLONE" to the calc. The first is the main engine of the game, whilst the second holds the map designs and specific coordinates.

[Clear]-Press when in dock to connect with the dock and pass the level.
[Arrows]- Move.

Gaming Discussion / Unity Web player
« on: January 16, 2011, 10:01:26 pm »
Hey, there's a new web player out that makes some really good games. it makes games in 3d, and does em well. This one is my fav, a basic clone of Minecraft, but minus as much cool stuff.

You have to download the player.

Axe / Help with movement.
« on: January 04, 2011, 08:01:06 pm »
So I decided to start learning axe, with my limited know how of the codes. I made a movement routine that ended up resetting my ram. Anyone have a movement routine that works and is not an unbreakable loop?

Axe / New to Axe.
« on: December 06, 2010, 10:22:50 pm »
Okay, so I loosely understand most of the syntax, with some exceptions. I figure that experimenting will help me learn more.

What I am confused with is Pics and such. I read the read me's and stuff included, and don't get the syntax.
I don't get the pointers, and how I will be able to use them.

Furthermore, I am confused as to what the back buffer and what the buffer is, and how they are different.

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