I'm getting a server soon and was setting up a modded minecraft server for my friends, and since I like you guys here I wanted to open it up to you as well.
As of now, it is being hosted on my PC, but will move to a dedicated server eventually. So expect it to go down when windows decides it wants to install updates when I'm not there.
The server is WHITELIST ONLY and the IP is: gateway.xvicario.us
So I have some mockups for a game I'm working on and I need sprites for it, as the ones I made don't cut it. What am I looking for?
5 asteroids all different size of 32*32 A spaceship shuttle thing the shuttle must fit in a 24*24 space, plus the space for the flames rocket engine thing. I would like a variation in the flames for an animation, plus one without flames. A monster, an eye monster to be specific. . Bad art, but done in a hurry. The eyeball should fit in a 26*26 area, plus the area for the strands off of it.
Also, I do plan on selling this for about a dollar, so if the artist wants compensation that can be arranged.
function drawMap() { var psudoi:Int = 0; var psudox:Int = 0; var psudoy:Int = 0; for (i in 0...map.getMap().length) { if (i > 20*psudoy-1) { psudoy = psudoy + 1; psudox = 0; } if (map.getMap()[i] == 1) { add(new Block(psudox*32,(psudoy-1)*32)); } if (map.getMap()[i] == 2) { add(new Player(psudox*32,(psudoy-1)*32)); } if (map.getMap()[i] == 3) { add(new Enemy(psudox*32,(psudoy-1)*32,2)); } if (map.getMap()[i] == 4) { add(new Enemy(psudox*32,(psudoy-1)*32,0)); } if (map.getMap()[i] == 6) { add(new Enemy(psudox*32,(psudoy-1)*32,1)); } if (map.getMap()[i] == 9) { add(new EndPortal(psudox*32,(psudoy-1)*32)); } psudox = psudox + 1; } }
It works for one, but the other no. Am I just getting lucky with one? I only have 2 of the 15 or 30 levels done, so I can't try another. EDIT IM AN IDIOT
While I like Python, performance was just too poor and I wanted to release it on more than Android and the way that I had formatted my code, I'd have to change so much for it to work on other platforms. So I restarted in Haxe, using OpenFL and HaxePunk.
Right now its just a demo of moving around with the WASD keys, but will be updated often hopefully.
There is an html5 version here (http://xvicario.us/dis/). This is kinda laggy on Firefox for me.
Also naming is still something I need help with. There is a link to the full game (old version) in the old thread linked at the top.
So my game is nearing completion (finally). One of my last problems is making the level selection screen fit the proper amount of level "buttons" per row on the screen depending on the screen's resolution. I didn't notice this (well at least the extent of the problem) until I got my new 2013 Nexus 7, whose screen size is much larger than the previous generation's (720p vs 1080p).
Basically I'm having trouble dynamically fitting objects on the screen based on the screen's resolution.
The current code I'm using as of now to fit items on the screen:
Now something strange is happening: Level 1: Level 2:
01.level (the data for placing enemies, the endpoint and the player) is being loaded for level 2 as well. Code is below. (also notice all the extra things, for some reason they aren't being cleared...) they should have been since the screen is cleared when the level loads, and a new TileMapper object is used to handle the level data. I'm pretty sure the problems lie within LoadLevel.py main.py or Screen.py
My game runs at a near steady 30fps on my Nexus 7, but struggles on my Galaxy Nexus. The problem is the GNex is a fairly powerful phone and it is struggling with this. I don't know what exactly is making it run so slowly. I know that it shouldn't be as slow as it is. I know, Python and Mobile device, but honestly I don't think it should be running as slowly as it is.
# Import our objects from Player import Player from Enemy import Enemy from EndPortal import EndPortal from Control import Controller from LoadLevel import Level, TileMapper, LoadLevel from Screen import GameScreen
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
def main(): pygame.init() print "start game!"
if android: android.init() android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE)
if android: pygame.event.set_allowed([pygame.QUIT, pygame.KEYDOWN, pygame.MOUSEMOTION, pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP]) else: pygame.event.set_allowed([pygame.QUIT, pygame.KEYDOWN, pygame.KEYUP])
tickClock = 0
while done == True:
if tickClock == 30: print math.floor(clock.get_fps()) tickClock = 0
tickClock += 1
if gameState == "levelLoad": currentLevel += 1 if (currentLevel.__str__().zfill(2)+".png") in android.assets.list(): screen.fill((255,255,255)) level = None newLevel = None tMap = None player = None endPortal = None level = pygame.Surface((640,416)) level.fill((255,255,255)) newLevel = LoadLevel(currentLevel.__str__().zfill(2)+".level") tMap = TileMapper(newLevel) level.blit(stars,(0,0)) myLevel = Level(currentLevel.__str__().zfill(2)+".png") level.blit(myLevel.image,(0,0)) player = tMap.player endPortal = tMap.endPortal gameLevel = GameScreen(level) dirties = [] for e in tMap.enemyList: dirties.append(e.rect) gameLevel.drawScreen(screen,tMap,scroll_x,scroll_y) pygame.display.flip() gameState = "level" else: done = False # Track event happening for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: print "Quitting..." done = False if android: # Movement if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if upArrow.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos): player.change_x = 0 player.change_y = -3 elif downArrow.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos): player.change_x = 0 player.change_y = 3 elif leftArrow.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos): player.change_x = -3 player.change_y = 0 elif rightArrow.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos): player.change_x = 3 player.change_y = 0 elif upleftArrow.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos): player.change_x = -3 player.change_y = -3 elif uprightArrow.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos): player.change_x = 3 player.change_y = -3 elif downleftArrow.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos): player.change_x = -3 player.change_y = 3 elif downrightArrow.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos): player.change_x = 3 player.change_y = 3 else: player.change_x = 0 player.change_y = 0 elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: player.change_x = 0 player.change_y = 0 else: if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: player.changeSpeed(-3,0) if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: player.changeSpeed(3,0) if event.key == pygame.K_UP: player.changeSpeed(0,-3) if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: player.changeSpeed(0,3) if event.type == pygame.KEYUP: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: player.changeSpeed(3,0) if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: player.changeSpeed(-3,0) if event.key == pygame.K_UP: player.changeSpeed(0,3) if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: player.changeSpeed(0,-3) # Perform Updates if player.change_x or player.change_y: player.update(myLevel,tMap.enemyList) dirties.append(player.rect) for enemy in tMap.enemyList: enemy.update(myLevel) if endPortal.update(player): gameState = "levelLoad"
# Check if Android version is not focused, if so pause the game if android: if android.check_pause(): android.wait_for_resume()
# Draw gameLevel.drawScreen(screen,tMap,scroll_x,scroll_y) if android: controllerList.draw(screen)
# Game Camera # Buggy, always starts on top, but works. if (player.rect.y >= 208): if (gameLevel.scroll_y_limit >= 3) and player.change_y > 0: scroll_y += 3 elif (player.rect.y <= 208): if (scroll_y > 0) and player.change_y < 0: scroll_y -= 3
pygame.display.update(dirties) clock.tick(30)
# This isn't run on Android. if __name__ == "__main__": main()
@author: XVicarious ''' import base64, pygame from Wall import Wall from Player import Player from EndPortal import EndPortal from Enemy import Enemy try: import android except ImportError: android = None
class LoadLevel(object):
levelList = []
def __init__(self, levelNumber): print levelNumber if android: level64 = android.assets.open(levelNumber) else: level = "../assets/" + levelNumber level64 = open(level,'r') levelString = base64.standard_b64decode(level64.read()) for line in levelString: for char in line: if char == '\r' or char == '\n': foo = "bar" else: self.levelList.append(char)
So I have been porting an old game of mine to Android. The original name was "[Danger in Shapes]", but now honestly after five years sounds really silly. So as of now the game is unnamed.
This game is written in Python and Pygame using Pygame Subset for Android to build for Android. All you need to play is to install the APK, no extra things.
I need a new name for the game. The first two levels are playable. You'll initially come to a splash screen with my logo, just tap the screen and you go to the game. Use the 8-directional DPad to move around. The levels are quite difficult, but possible. I'm currently working on the other levels. There will eventually be 30 total levels and about $1.29 on the Google Play store.
The required version of Android is 4.0 I think (or 2.2, I really don't know lol). If need be I will see if I can build it for Android 2.2+ I know the screen resolution of the D-Pad works perfectly on my Galaxy Nexus, and my Nexus 7. If it doesn't for you if you could kindly post your screen dimensions or DPI and I can see if I can fix it.
Remember this isn't a game yet. Its pretty boring, but exciting since it is my first Android app. It will be $1.29 in the Play Store I think, but I will release a special Omnimaga edition for free.
Spoiler For screenshots:
EDIT: I was thinking about the levels making a list encoded in Base64, loaded from text files and read out each character representing a tile, and writing a tilemapper to draw it out. Dunno, what do you guys think?
For the last few days I have been putting together a modpack for Minecraft. I have found that playing Minecraft with friends and other people make it soooo much more fun.
I have hand picked all of the mods in this Modpack for Minecraft. It is like Tekkit/Feed-the-Beast but with some of my own additions to the mods. The modpack is a private one that I put together myself.
Basically I am asking if people would like to play on a server. I would pay for it, but donations would need to cover at least 50% of the cost of the server every month because I don't have a job at the moment and have very limited money to spend.
This will be Minecraft 1.4.7. Updating the mods will not be done unless it fixes exploits or awful bugs.
So I have a design thought up and doodles of it, but the problem is I'm absolutely rubbish at computer art. I can describe it, and I'll post a picture I take of it (I don't have the means to scan it) so someone can possibly help me.
Its an "X", but the top part extends out further, and there is a triangle in the middle sort of forming a "V" in the white (or transparent space really). There are also two droplet like things on either side in the divots in in the "X". A picture should be up momentarily for it.
It should be a vector image in the ideal situation so resizing to fit things wouldn't be a problem, but if that isn't feasable a 512x512 png file with a transparent background is perfectly fine as well. A note, everything in the image is black., the white space is the transparent background.
So I am making a list of games that I'd like to finish before my Christmas break from school (December 12th, at 12:00pm). I have started a list, but I need help deciding things to add to it. I don't want to spend any money on these games. So you can look at my Steam profile if you want to suggest (And I'll tell you if I have finished it yet). (http://steamcommunity.com/id/xvicarious/games?tab=all) The List: (Finished:In Progress:Not Started)
Dragon Age: Origins Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Literally a couple missions left) Borderlands Borderlands 2 DooM 3 Quake Quake 2 Quake 4 BioShock BioShock 2 Dead Space Dead Space 2 The Witcher The Witcher 2
Hey, as some of you may or may not know Nintendo Power will be concluding its publication with the December 2012 issue. I have an idea... We can create our own magazine based around Nintendo and new releases etc. Now this of course wouldn't be a printed one, it would be distributed on the Google Play store and/or Zinio (a magazine distribution platform).
We need organization before we start. We need to plan out content multiple months in advance or this will never last. And I want it to.
Sections: Upcoming Games New Game Reviews Classic Corner Some kind of spot for our Nintendo fan games on our calculators, because after all this is Omnimaga... Plus it may attract new people to the world of calculator programming asm, basic, and axe.
Any ideas? Anyone with me?
We need: (x2) Artist -- (x5) Writers -- Finance --
I am currently patching together a ROM for Android full of tweaks and such that will be released for the Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY, Asus Eee Pad Transformer (tf101), And the Google Asus Nexus 7 (and maybe more). I do need a boot animation. I had an idea...
Black background, with a red flame (shaded of course) with a black XV in the middle of the flame. The problem with this is I am terrible at computer art. I know that some of you here are amazing. So I was wondering if anyone could make one for me.
I would need the boot animation in the following formats (as of now): (H*W) 1280x800 800x1280 854×480
xDooMLauncher is a replacement for the horrid (in my opinion at least) ZDoomLauncher. ZDoomLauncher is very cluttered and I decided to make one myself with a cleaner interface.
BUGS: - I'm sure there are some, somewhere. I think I still have debugging code in there...
Sorry no screen shots tonight, but i promise tomorrow (maybe).
Oh. And this will only be of use to you if you have DooM, DooM II, Heretic, HeXen, Strife, Freedoom, TNT, Plutonia, Strife, or Hacx.
iwads go in the iwad folder (option to find them wherever is coming) pwads go in the pwad folder (option to find them wherever is not coming, too messy)
If you have another IWAD that is not standard, you can add your own in iwad.txt in the root directory of the program.
My cousin and I just started a Minecraft server that we call XMDCraft. It is a laid back(-ish) server. We do have rules like no griefing and stuff, but yeah. To play on XMDCraft you first need to sign up at our website http://xmdcraft.com/ . This will automatically whitelist your Minecraft username (you must put it in when you sign up). Then when you log on you must take a quiz to change from Guest status to Builder status. The Ranks (from high to low): Admin (two brianmaurer42 (XVicarious) and jewfrogarrett148) Mod Trusted Builder Builder Guest
We have the following plugins installed (permissions are still being set up though): WorldEdit VoxelSniper Essentials GroupManager MCBans Craftbook (Mech) BorderGuard WorldGuard iConomy PhysicalShop godPowers LWC Multiverse (full, all plugins) StartersQuiz Vault
I know some of you are also into the Rubik's Cube and stuff. Do any of you have a collection? I have a growing one. I recently got more serious about collecting a few weeks back when I actually got some money in my hands. My collection includes:
2 - 2x2x2s Eastsheen 15 - 3x3x3s of various types. Type-A Cube4You, Rubik's Retail, Rubik's DIY, Type-F (I think) Cube4You (my main), a few Cracker Barrel cubes (Toysmith), and a 30th Anniversary Cube, a few super cheap dollar store cubes, a Dayan ZhanChi, and a Dayan ZhanChi Stickerless, and one that is gonna be transformed into a half- half-truncated cube 3 - 4x4x4s Two Rubik's and one eastsheen 2 - 5x5x5s Both eastsheen 1 - 6x6x6 YJ it is in the mail 1 - 7x7x7 YJ it is in the mail 1 - fisher cube 1 - square-1/cube 21 1 - super square-1 1 - 2x3x3 1 - 3x3x4 1 - Rubik's Snake/Twist 1 - Rubik's Revolution Titanium Ed 1 - Rubik's World 1 - Gear Cube 1 - Megaminx 2 - Void Cubes 1 - Rubik's Magic 1 - Barrel 2 - Rubik's Slide (willing to trade for something for one of these) 1 - Four Fused 2x2x2 Cubes