Are you prepared for pi day? Have you even remembered it? You now only 6 days. Now is your chance to do something special. For me, I to memorize pi. Last year I did 50 and this year I did 100 digits. Here, I even made a cute program you can test your skills and hone your talents to memorize even more. (Sadly, it only goes to 100 digits.) Hope you learn more than you ever have by Thursday!
DID YOU KNOW: The record for memorization of pi is 42,195?
Hello there, I wish to create a program that finds the critical point numbers of a formula in Y1. (Critical point numbers are just x values where the derivative (or slope) is 0.) so that requires some equation solving.
Is there an easy way to create a list with dim 26 with: Rnd integers for each dim# Any Dim = int 1-26 Dim x =/= x Ex Dim 1 = X Dim X= 1 Dim 2 = Y Dim Y = 2
So far, as I have been working on this for the past few days and it has been going good. But first let me explain what an enigma machine does and how.
Spoiler For Spoiler:
Ok, so first there is the 1. keypress. As you can see in the picture, are the keys (lol). Then,the wires that take up the body of the box that are below the box which carry the current to the 2. plugboard. This can be seen in the front of the box as the wires that go from one peg hole to another. There are usually 10-13 wires but usually 10. There are actually 2 holes for each number, where the current comes from the keys, and fom the rotors. These are used to further scramble the code, and to make it almost unbreakable. Next, after the current goes through the plugboard it goes to the dials or 3. rotors. These are the main parts to the encryption process. Here is a good example of what the rotors do.
Bassically they look like this and "rotate" the code (randomly set one letter to another).
There are usually 3-4 of them. So, as you saw in the first picture, the current goes through the 4. reflector. This, combined with the rotors makes the code further scrambled. Not only that but it turns it back through the rotors. Ok, final strech here. the current then goes back to the plugboard. It finnaly goes through the 5. lampboard. This is a fancy way of displaying the outputed code with lights.
So now all that, which is good and all but really has nothing against.
This is a method of decryption which looks at the frequency of each coded letter to show up and can tell what it is by determining how often it was used. That is why the most important part on any Enigma Machine is that the rotors well, rotate. This with encryption methods 2-4 make the Enigma Machine a VERY powerful tool of encryption.
So anyway, I am making this in Basic and will implement all the functions of a real enigma machine. 1. Keypresses 2. Plugboard 3. Rotor 1 4. Rotor 2 5. Rotor 3 6. Rotor 4 7. Reflector 8. Rotor 4 9. Rotor 3 10. Rotor 2 11. Rotor 1 12. Plugboard 13. Display (output)
I will make this able to handle 128 (8*16) characters of encryption and decryption.
what was suppose to happen There was suppose to be 4 sprites that all move together by pressing left and right
what went wrong When you run it it turns the screen dark and puts some gibberish on the bottom and right. You can (clear) it but it still remains dark. If you turn it off then on the cursor is on the bottom right and it writes everything upside down. It's basically like someone took out the screen and turned it 180 deg. The only way to fix this it to remove a battery while it is off.
>:( I was looking through YouTube. When I thought of Rick but when I searched it I could only find the vevo version, which is not bad but what happened to the one that said Rick Roll'D and an annotation that said the game?
I forget what the game it is called but you try to land a ship with the least amount of fuel. (Probably been done before) start the game press second for thrusters meh, it's alright but I doubled the fuel so... it use to be harder tell me what you think
EDIT: I'm using the var z for scores but how do you save data in Axe? -Because I wanted to make like a list for scores but how do you save data not in variables?
-Oh and also I was thinking of making jetpack joyride, has anyone else made it?
I have no clue how to convert a string to binary to a string. can someone help me? I want it for a chat like thing. But i seem to not be able to Send( a string. Thanks
To have a program that adds, divides, subtracts, and multiplies. Without an addition, division, subtraction, or multiplication sign anywhere in the program?