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Topics - pimathbrainiac
« on: May 14, 2017, 10:34:14 pm »
Hello! It's been a while since this news editor has written anything, and it's time to change that! Without further ado, let's jump right in to it! First up, for the Casio Prizm, we'll be discussing Prizoop, a Gameboy/Gameboy color emulator. Developed by community newcomer tswilliamson, it claims to run approximately 95% of Gameboy games at 60 frames per second, with "safe" software overclocking enabled. Sound support, ROM compression, and auto frameskip are new additions in the latest update. The project is open source and the code is available on GitHub for anyone who wants to contribute or just view the code. Planned features include savestates, as well as performance and file footprint improvements. Second, the long awaited CE port of the ever popular TI-83+ series gameboy emulator, TI-Boy, has been announced, although no downloads or source code are available at this time. TI-Boy CE, by long time community member calc84maniac, appears to be coming along nicely, with a 60 fps video showing off a working version of the program. Planned features include automatic colorization of supported Gameboy games, real time clock emulation, and a configuation saving feature. As always on Omnimaga, we do not recommend nor condone the usage of pirated ROMs. That said, if anyone has any Gameboy or Gameboy Color homebrew that they have written or would like to share, feel free to link it below, so long as the site hosting the homebrew does not host any sort of pirated material. If you wrote some homebrew for the Gameboy or Gameboy Color, feel free to message me a screenshot or gif of it running on one of the featured emulators, or any emulator running on a calculator. You might be featured on a follow up article! Thanks for reading! See you in the next article! Links:Download PrizoopMore information regarding PrizoopPrizoop on GitHubMore information regarding TI-Boy CE
« on: May 28, 2016, 03:12:07 pm »
Hello everyone! Now that school is out, I once again have time to devote to news articles, and today, I present onto you a new occasional news series: the Calculator Community Music News/Showcase. I figured that it's about time the many talented musicians, composers, and producers in the community get recognized. This first article will cover the musicians themselves, and less so the individual tracks. In the future, individual tracks released between now and the next article will be showcased. So without further blabbing, let's get to the features! GTemples27GTemples27 has started composing his own music very recently. Here is his first piece. He has some potential to make some really great music in the future, and I wish him the best of luck doing so. unknownlonerOur friend unknownloner is a cool dude. He also began producing some pretty cool DnB music around February. While he hasn't posted much of it on the forums recently, it is worth mentioning that his Soundcloud has been pretty active. His stuff is worth the listen. aeTIos Guitar player and CodeWalrus admin aeTIos has been experimenting in the last few months with a cover of "Sweet Child of Mine" and a Funk-style track. Check out his Soundcloud to hear what he has put together. Velocity GamesThe guys at Velocity Games have been working on the game "Valhalla" for a while. Recently, they composed a theme song for Valhalla that is worth listening to. matrefeytontiasMatref has always been a metal man. And dang, he slays at guitar. Just check out his Soundcloud to hear what I'm talking about. He recently got someone else to help with mixing to increase production quality, and I certainly believe this decision is paying out. JWinslow23JWinslow is a great singer. He also is a great mathematician. Just check out his latest track about how tau is superior to pi. utzThis guy just loves making music on everything, especially calculators. His tracks are on his Soundcloud, and they're pretty awesome. DJ OmnimagaIf I didn't mention DJ, I might as well have not written this article. This CodeWalrus admin has been producing music using MTV Music Generator/Music Generator 2000 for a long time. His BandCamp certainly proves it. pimathbrainiacShameless Self Plug Time! If you didn't know already, I compose a lot of music myself. My Soundcloud showcases some of my best stuff, as well as some of my older, not-so-best stuff. In some exciting news, one of the pieces I wrote, "Shattered Glass," is currently being considered for publication. Whether or not it will actually be published is yet to be seen, but it is a huge step for me, and I couldn't have gotten as far as I have without the community's support and feedback! That wraps it up for now! See you in the next (calculator/programming related) article!
« on: February 19, 2016, 05:56:09 pm »
Well some idiot over here by the name of pimath has been slacking at his (former) job, so it's time for a (non-project) community news roundup! First on the list is the TI-Nspire CX/ TI-Nspire CX CAS OS 4.2, which is the second major Nspire OS TI has released since they dropped support for monochrome Nspires (the last supported OS for the monochrome Nspires is 3.9). It added some new features, such as inequality graphing, sliders on graphs, and new context menus. As with every Nspire OS update, 4.2 blocked Ndless, but after an extremely short amount of time, Ndless 4.2 has been released. For those who don't know, Ndless is a TI-Nspire "jailbreak" that allows for the execution of assembly and C programs (which are not supported on the OS), including some awesome games and tools.  Also news from TI: mISSion imaginaTIon, a new series of TI-Nspire activities, made in conjunction with NASA, to inspire students to participate in STEM fields. In addition to the first TI-Nspire activity, Fuel for the Fire, there is an engineering design challenge in which the winners get to talk with a NASA expert and win a set of TI-Nspires!  There has also been lots of activity in the community recently. Long time News Editor for Ryan Boyd has retired from his position. We will miss you, our dear friend Ryan. To take his place, Xavier "critor" Andreani has stepped up. We look forward to more exciting news on the front page in the future!  There have also been two major contests! First up we have Cemetech Contest #15: Crypto Golfing. In this contest, participants were issued a series of cryptography challenges. Scores were determined by expedience and source size. The smaller the program and the faster it was turned in, the more points accumulated. The winners were Hooloovoo, PT_, and lirtosiast. Well done guys!  Over on CodeWalrus, there was CodeWalrus Contest II: A Game About Walruses, in which participants were asked to include the CodeWalrus mascott, Walrii, in their games. Winners were determined by a hybrid judging/community vote. The winners were c4ooo and Unicorn. Congratulations!  As for project releases, there have been quite a few. One of the most notable was CEmu, a TI-84+CE (and equivalent) emulator, made by a team lead by MateoConLechuga. It is open source and anyone can contribute. Take a look if you haven't already! Technically, there is no official "release" yet and is very much in alpha, but it is very much worth mentioning.  Also made by a team lead by Mateo, we have A CE C SDK, LibLoad, and Libraries. These projects allow for easier C programming on the CE series, as well as the use of dynamically linked libraries on the CE.  Finally we have KermMartian's Graph3DC for the TI-84+CSE (and equivalents). Graph3DC is a 3D grapher for the CSE series that has full color support and OS integration.  And with that, there is the major news roundup of the last few months. Thanks for reading!
« on: February 01, 2016, 08:31:52 pm »
Well, since I'm in a good mood again, I'm going to start a new news series (across all three English-speaking calc forums) called "Highlights of the Month." Same deal as tifreaks "Projects of the Month," but I'm going to cover all three forums and won't cover everything, just the things I find noteworthy. Cross-posted projects get linked to the forum where the author appears to be most active (although if you are featured and would like a different forum linked, please PM me and I'll change the link). Ready? Go! Monochrome z80Ballrix z80 Assembly Remake by Xeda112358 - Xeda has remade DJ Omnimaga's Balltrix game for monochrome z80 calcs Reuben Quest 3 by Sorunome - Sorunome has resumed work on continuing the DJ Omnimaga's Reuben Quest games with his own threequel KnightOS by SirCmpwn - (8x color support as well) The third party OS for the 8x series has seen some improvements this month, as well as some improvements to the SDK and tools TwoStep by DarkestEx/Muessigb - (Android support as well) Work has resumed on this puzzle game. The challenge: get from point A to point B under certain constraints. Is it hard? Yes TI-84+ CELibLoad by MateoConLechuga - An appvar that allows for the use of dynamically linked libraries for the CE Doors CE 9 by KermMartian - A CE version of Doors CS(E), with intentions of having full Hybrid Basic compatibility with Doors CSE Alien Breed 5 Episode III by JamesV - (8x monochrome support as well) The third and final installment of the Alien Breed 5 port by JamesV, now with CE support (through an implementation of Mono2Color, originally designed by MateoConLechuga) First Fantasy CE Port by DJ Omnimaga - A port of DJ Omnimaga's RPG of the same name (originally for the CSE) TI-84+ CSEGraph 3DC by KermMartian - A CSE 3D grapher with full OS integration 68kX3D by catastropher - (PC support as well) A 3D engine for the 68k series (and PC) that has made a lot of progress this past month HPMinePrime by alexgt - A 2D Minecraft port for the HP Prime. Similar to Jens_K's Nspire Lua version PCCEmu by MateoConLechuga - It kind of goes without saying, but this CE emulator is the biggest news of the month from December. Progress has been steady this month, with file transfer, new keyboard layouts, and other features being added TI-84+ CE C SDK by MateoConLechuga - Once again, probably the biggest news of the month, but of January, not December. A fully-functional C SDK for PC for the CE that allows for easier programming for us non-assembly folk
« on: January 30, 2016, 11:20:21 am »
Hello! This semester, one of my classes is a directed study. In other words, I get to do something I want to do, and there are gradable checkpoints every week or two. As the title of this post suggests, I'm making a JRPG. I have a story concept, but I don't have a name atm  Below I'm going to put what the assignments are and when they are due-ish (since it's okay if they are a day or so late, according to the teacher). - Stats Outline – A plan for what stats characters may have, how they affect battles, and how stat growth occurs when leveling up (1/22) complete
- Character Outline – A plan for a cast of characters, both party members and NPCs, and certain character attributes about them unrelated to state | In addition, create classes and plan how they affect stats (1/29) complete
- Movement Engine Outline – A plan for the mechanics of the movement engine (2/5)
- Event Engine Outline – A plan for the mechanics of the event engine (2/11)
- Battle Engine Outline – A plan for the mechanics of the battle engine (2/19)
- World Map – A map that includes the entire explorable area of the game, as well as the placement of events and NPCs (2/26)
- Midterm – Present the entire plan for the game (3/4)
- Story – A written version of what the story will be in the game (3/18)
- Create movement engine (3/25)
- Create tile map – A computerized version of the world map, including events and NPCs (4/1)
- Create event engine (4/15)
- Create battle engine (4/22)
- Implement Story through events and dialogue (4/29)
- Write and implement music “loops” – 60-120 second pieces that repeat and set the mood for various areas (5/13)
- Final – Present the finished game (5/20)
I'll update this post with the assignments as they happen (later today for the first two). The full story will be view-able, so I'll put it in layered spoilers. I won't give the story concept until then, so when I release the characters, you won't have any background  All things considered, I didn't have time to put art in my schedule so either A) I'll have to get art off Open Game Art (And make the game open source) or B) If one of you guys is willing to do art I'd be willing to credit you (and give you a share of the profits if I decide to sell the game instead of just open-sourcing it. That is tbd).
« on: November 07, 2015, 06:30:17 pm »
At the beginning of the summer I picked up a copy of Guild Wars 2. It's a great MMORPG, and I like it a lot (although I haven't been able to play much the last two months or so). I was wondering if anyone else had it. I'd like to create a Calculator Community Guild of some sort.
« on: September 20, 2015, 04:54:44 pm »
So here's most of this year's show. I'll post a full video after we have it all on. I'm playing xylo this year (back row of the pit on the 50). What do you all think?
« on: August 02, 2015, 09:33:04 am »
Here we go, my (month late) quarterly, subjective, news coverage. Not going to lie, I love me my Cave Story. The freebie game from the early 2000s had an SDL port a while back, and said SDL port now has an nSDL Port for the Nspire series (although it is only playable on the CX). @gameblabla did a fantastic job with this. If you loved the original or haven't played the original, I suggest you check it out. He also made some other nSDL Ports that are equally as awesome. A port of nspire_emu for x86-based Android phones/tablets. Now you can take your calculator projects on the go (if you don't already have your calculator on you). @SpiroH has done an epic job with this. Keep up the good work! A 3D library for 68k calcs. It looks awesome and has a lot of potential for usage. Thanks to @catastropher for this epic library. Sorunome's continuation of DJ Omnimaga's Reuben Quest RPG series. As a lover of the original games, I can say that @Sorunome has done a great job keeping the spirit of the original games alive. An original RPG by @Escheron @Geekboy1011 and @Iambian that is simply outstanding looking. If you are on hcwp, you'll see them working on it, and they are doing a phenomenal job. Can't wait for the release! @Vogtinator made an emulator for nspire calculators. It is cross-platform (and cross-mobile platform) and is open source. It is 100% awesome. Edit: Changed X3D image to one for the actual engine. Not one for a completily different thing that just happens to be in the same thread ~ Geekboy
« on: June 11, 2015, 08:51:28 am »
So after some discussion in the old Code Golf #9 thread about updating solutions for old contests, it has been decided that there will be a dedicated thread for that. This thread is for posting better solutions to old code golf contests and discussing old code golf contests.
« on: June 08, 2015, 04:56:49 pm »
Challenge #2: Motion CommotionThe challenge: Make a program that moves a pixel around the screen. Inputs: You may either use the arrow keys or wasd for input. Outputs: Each time a key is pressed, a pixel moves around the screen as follows: up/w: up 1 pixel down/s: down 1 pixel left/a: left 1 pixel right/d: right 1 pixel If a key is held, it doesn't matter. 1 pixel of movement per press. Scoring: All non-calculator programs will be scored through this counter: programs will be scored on binary size (excluding the header), and Basic/Axe programs will be scored bn on-calc source size (once again, excluding the header). Good luck, and may this contest move you! Rankings1) lirtosiast - 27 Bytes (TI-Basic) 2) ben_g - 47 Bytes (TI-Basic) 3) Siapran - 139 Bytes (PICO-8) 4) Juju - 144 Bytes (PICO-8) 5) LDStudios - 153 Bytes (PICO-8) 6) Scipi - 154 Bytes (GBA C) 7) alberhrocks - 253 Bytes (Pygame) 8 ) alberthrocks - 397 Bytes (SDL C) Language Ranking1) TI-Basic (27 Bytes) 2) PICO-8 (139 Bytes) 3) GBA C (154 Bytes) 4) Pygame (253 Bytes) 5) SDL C (397 Bytes)
« on: June 06, 2015, 04:12:53 pm »
« on: June 05, 2015, 07:40:56 pm »
Since the main contest in this forum at the current time is Code Golf, this thread will be the place for the information, discussion, and planning of Code Golf. Rules of Code Golf- Make a program that completes the challenge prescribed on Monday in as few source bytes as possible.
- All programs must be PM'd to the challenge creator or one of the Community Contests board moderators by 11:59:59 PM ET the following Saturday.
- Winning code for each language will be posted on Sunday
- Don't be a rule breaker/bender (see this)
Challenge Creator RotationTo keep the work load off of one person, there will be a rotation of people making Code Golf challenges each week. If you want to be in the rotation, reply in this thread. The current rotation is: 1) @pimathbrainiac <- On deck 2) @c4ooo 3) @Juju 4) @JWinslow23 5) @Ivoah 6) @LDStudios <- Current challenge Some rules for challenge creators- The challenges must be open to all languages
- It is preferred that the challenges give calculators some advantage, since this is a calculator forum (eg. key input based challenges)
- Challenges must be posted on Monday
- Challenges must be posted in this board on Omni. If you wish to cross post to other forums, that is fine
- You will receive a PM one week before your turn to post a challenge
- If you can not prepare a challenge and post it by monday of your given week, message one of the community contests board moderators. You will be skipped in the rotation, and your turn will come back to you when the rotation rotates back to you
- Challenges must be plausible to complete in a week (so make a platformer is probably not the best idea)
- Make sure your OP is updated with the overall ranking, and the language ranking (format seen here). While the board mods can edit your post for you if you, please don't make us do that
- At the end of your week, prepend "[ENDED]" to the topic title in the OP, so people know it's over
« on: June 05, 2015, 07:20:22 pm »
The Contests forum has now been moved from News to Calculator Community. In addition, there is now a "community contests" subforum where any of your own contests/challenges can go! Good luck to everybody in all the contests sure to follow! While your at it, check out Code Golf - The Reboot. It's a reboot of an old series of contests done by JWinslow23, now done by pimathbrainiac (and others in subsequent iterations). Since this restructure started due to a discussion specifically about Code Golf, the new moderators of the new community contests board will be JWinslow23 (who started Code Golf), c4ooo (Who prompted the restart of Code Golf), and pimathbrainiac (Who actually restarted Code Golf). All three of those listed, as well as some of the current active members, will be posting the weekly Code Golf here on Omni. For those who don't have an account here, that's fine! If you want to participate, send your solutions to the week's Code Golf organizer via IRC or another site. If you can't contact them, contact one of those listed in this post, and your solution will be passed along. More information can be found here.