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Topics - gcolella

Pages: [1]
TI Z80 / Calc Ninja
« on: September 24, 2011, 11:07:50 pm »
Dev release of a game I've been working on over the past few days, figured I'd put it up. CALNIN is the compiled asm, theta is the source.

EDIT: I should mention, it's called CalcNinja because it was inspired by NinJump for iOS (oh dear, hope I don't get sued)

Suggestions, comments, smart remarks?

TI Z80 / GalaxyOS
« on: April 15, 2011, 08:52:47 pm »
This is a project i've been working on, GalaxyOS.. It's a simple ease-of-use program that looks like an OS.
Screenshots and everything you need attached.

Gonna work on it a bit more before putting it on, and I know it's big, but it's not very optimized yet, just for ease of editing

TI-BASIC / Versatile basic platformer engine -- optimization help?
« on: March 21, 2011, 05:41:54 pm »
I wrote this really basic engine for platformers in BASIC that spans two screens. It doesn't use any pictures, but it does use 3 lists, one for each screen (contains all the pixels) and one that's for misc variables, but as of now only contains the starting position. It runs pretty slowly though, and I'm not good at optimization..

PS: I know that there's a memory leak, but it sped it up a lot.

Code for engine:
Code: [Select]
:If ∟P1(X)
:Lbl 1
:If X≥4:Then
:If G=24 and not((pxl-Test(Y,X-1) or pxl-Test(Y-1,X-1)) or (pxl-Test(Y,X-2) or pxl-Test(Y-1,X-2)):Then
:Goto 0
:If X≤90:Then
:If G=26 and not((pxl-Test(Y,X+2) or pxl-Test(Y-1,X+2)) or (pxl-Test(Y,X+3) or pxl-Test(Y-1,X+3)):Then
:Goto 0
:If ((not(pxl-Test(Y-2,X) or pxl-Test(Y-3,X))) and G=25) and ((pxl-Test(Y+1,X) or pxl-Test(Y+1,X+1)):Then
:Goto 0
:If X≤91:Then
:If (((G=26 and (pxl-Test(Y,X+2) and pxl-Test(Y+1,X+2)) and not(pxl-Test(Y-1,X+2)))):Then
:Goto 0
:If G=26 and pxl-Test(Y,X+3):Then
:Goto 0
:If X≥2:Then
:If ((G=24) and (pxl-Test(Y,X-1) and pxl-Test(Y+1,X-1))) and not(pxl-Test(Y-1,X-1)):Then
:Goto 0
:If G=24 and pxl-Test(Y,X-2):Then
:Goto 0
:Lbl 0
:If (not((pxl-Test(Y+1,X) or pxl-Test(Y+1,X+1)):Then
:If O<0
:If X≤4:Then
:If ∟P1(X)
:If X≥91:Then
:If ∟P2(X)
:Goto 1
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© 2005-2010 Cemetech (

Code for routine that takes pic1 and pic2 and stores them into the lists the program uses (lP1 and lP2):
Code: [Select]
:RecallPic Pic1
:If pxl-Test(Y,X):Then
:RecallPic Pic2
:If pxl-Test(Y,X):Then
Generated by SourceCoder (
© 2005-2010 Cemetech (

Axe / Arrays and misc. Axe help
« on: March 16, 2011, 08:25:13 pm »
I just took up axe today, and I've been reading the (awesome) tutorials by Deep Thought. The major part I can't understand is how to use arrays. I'd like to use them to make a test game where you avoid incoming objects, but as many times as I read it I can't seem to get it. Can anyone help me out?

Unrelated: Does anyone have a list of cool hex sprites? It'd make it a lot easier because atm I can't download the sprite creating program that came with axe.

Thanks in advance,

Introduce Yourself! / Hey world -gcolella
« on: February 08, 2011, 08:02:56 pm »
Hey world of onimanga, I'm a programming fanatic with a particular affinity for TI calcs. I'm irl friends with ashbad, I taught him BASIC when he was just starting out. He suggested I join, it seemed awesome, and here I am.

In BASIC I can't compete with you asm programmers in games, so I've moved primarily to math programs. I have a small API going, but it needs a lot more work.

Pages: [1]