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Topics - binly

Pages: [1]
Ndless / Been gone
« on: May 31, 2015, 02:47:11 am »
Hey guys,

I've been gone awhile, so I am a little out of it. I pretty much stopped doing calc stuff when somehow my nspire OS corrupted, but I did eventually get it back to Now though, there are a lot of different versions! Should I upgrade to something like 3.6 or just stay where I'm at? Or is there a dual boot with 3.6 / 3.1 like there was with 3.1 and 3.2?


Other Calculators / Nspire error
« on: August 16, 2013, 12:16:12 am »
Hey guys! So my nspire CX CAS was working great before. I was using nLaunch to dual boot it with 3.1 as well as 3.2.3. However, my 3.1 OS got messed up somehow, and I had to reinstall it as well as run a NAND check to get it to work. This made my nLaunch not work (when I pressed the reset button after changing phoenix.old to phoenix nothing happened this time). So then I deleted it and installed nLaunch again, and that works fine, then I upgraded my ndless to the latest version by replacing the ndless resources file. That seems to work as now Nover 3 works, where it gave an error before about the wrong ndless version. However, now I cannot transfer any .tns file to my calc  :-\ . Every time I do it says "the transfer can not be completed because the handheld file or folder could not be accessed". I just know that with all my OS/nLaunch reinstalls I messed it up somewhere, so any help to get my calc working would be appreciated. Oh and btw, everything else works on the calc that's already there, and I've tried the student software and the computer link! xD thanks!

General Calculator Help / What to do about the TI Nspire?
« on: June 26, 2013, 04:16:47 pm »
Hi. In August I am going to be starting AP Calculus and I want to get a TI-Nspire CX CAS. If I got one, I would want to put Ndless on it and play games. However, I heard that the new TI-Nspires are coming with an OS that doesn't allow you to downgrade or put Ndless on it. If I was to get an Nspire, should I get one now off of Ebay that maybe has an older OS, or do you guys think that in a month Ndless can be put on the 3.2.4 OS? And what about the CX Premium? I'm just wondering what to do for the upcoming school year so I can have the best calculator for games and all the cool calculator stuff you can do :P Thanks!

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