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Topics - m1ac4

Pages: [1]
Casio Calculators / Interesting Graphscreen Pictures Created on the Prizm
« on: October 06, 2011, 07:44:48 am »
I was thinking about how the Prizm graphs inequalities using shading and how that could be used to make interesting pictures.
For example, this is a demonstration that was created by z80man a little while ago.

Remembering this picture I started doing some experimenting with equations and a background image I created on-calc and came up with this.  It is seven equations that are drawn over a solid black background.

As you can see, there is potential for anyone who can use equations creatively to make interesting pictures.

Spoiler For How I Did It:
I used the sketch functions to draw black horizontal lines to fill a screen with black and then captured it to memory.
The equations were drawn with respect to the standard viewing window.  I zoomed out once for the screenshot.  The letter i is the imaginary i.  Styles used are included/
Code: (Used Equations) [Select]
Y1<=-5(x<- Or x>5)+i(x>=-5 And x<=5)            Green:  Normal style
Y2>= 5(x<- Or x>5)+i(x>=-5 And x<=5)            Green:  Normal style
Y3 = i(x>=-5 And x<=5)                          Yellow: Dashed
X4 =-.25(Y>=-5 Or Y<=5)+i(Y>=-5 And Y<=5)       Yellow: Normal
X5 =.25(Y>=-5 Or Y<=5)+i(Y>=-5 And Y<=5)        Yellow: Normal
X6 =-2.65(Y>=-5 Or Y<=5)+i(Y>=-5 And Y<=5)      Yellow: Dashed
X7 =2.65(Y>=-5 Or Y<=5)+i(Y>=-5 And Y<=5)       Yellow: Dashed

Casio PRIZM / SwitchRPG
« on: April 26, 2011, 07:36:56 am »
This RPG (which still remains somewhat nameless) is my first attempt to write a game for the Prizm.  It takes advantage of the basic language's strengths and attempts to downplay some of the weaknesses (it takes 5-9 seconds to draw an area on the screen).  Development has been halted for the time being but I will gladly pick it up again in the future, especially if hybrid basic becomes possible or if I have time to try to write it in C or anything related to that.

7*21 areas-5 included now in this release
Dialog with other "characters" (those would be the magenta T types)
Color  :hyper: (limited due to you-know-what)

Progress:  100% of minimalist storyline Complete!
53/53 areas have been created.
53/53 areas are present on the calc.
53/53 areas have been storylined.

Screenshot of the previous version.  Does not represent the current version though, I anticipate an animated screenshot of the real game coming soon. nvm, trial expired...

More Screenies (They're not supposed to be transparent, transparency is not supported in the game

Available now is the first release.

Introduce Yourself! / hello from m1ac4
« on: February 15, 2011, 07:24:27 am »
Hello, I am m1ac4.
I can tell that I have never posted anything anywhere before because I just posted the first line by accident.  :banghead:  :mad: oh well...

Anyways, I used to have a 84+.  I don't have it anymore because it was not really mine in the first place.  When I bought my Prizm I had to return it to them (no hard feelings though).
I was very familiar with basic and had tinkered around with axe and assembly a bit.

I have spent the past several weeks getting aquainted with my Prizm by rewriting my old 84+ programs for it.  I am rather limited on what I can do on computers for the time being so I am kind of stuck with my calculator as far as programming is concerned for now.  This really doesn't bother me because I still have a lot of adjusting to do.  When I get more time I will start trying to do something more with the prizm and sh3 assembly.

For now, I will just keep learning and reading the forums here.

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