Other Calculators / TI84+ C Silver New-Availability at Underwood Distributing
« on: March 12, 2013, 04:25:15 pm »
We were referred to your forum by a walk-in customer today who purchased the new TI84 + C Silver Calculator from us. First of all, great forum. Second, I am Suzanne from Underwood Distributing! We have been a Texas Instruments educational dealer for 30 years, we are the only TI educational dealer in the state of Michigan. We only ship new product directly from Texas Instruments (USA), we never sell anything used/demo/2nd class. Our product comes in new and is shipped out the same way. Questions on this forum were discussing exactly who we were and how can we have this new calculator available already? We received our first initial shipment of 24pcs of this calculator a week ago, we filled our pre-order customers and now we have more stock of 12pcs arriving on Thursday and then continuing shipments relative to orders. I do see on the Texas Inst. educ site it still says "Spring 2013" but if you click on "Where to Purchase" it lists a whole list of educational dealers (including us) to purchase from. I cannot guarantee what dealers have stock because every dealer is separate and it all depends if they were able to get stock from this first wave of TI84 + C Silver Calculators that were available. You can always trust any of the dealers listed on the Texas Instrument Educational Site to provide you with new Texas Instruments calculators!