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Topics - bwang
Pages: [1]
« on: August 30, 2010, 12:41:16 pm »
This is a small project I made for personal use, but I'll post it here anyway in case someone finds it useful. It displays a text file in the Examples directory (any file with name of the form *.txt.tns). You can scroll down through the file, but not up  To use, find a text file, rename it with a .txt.tns extension, and send it to Examples. Then run the program and select the file from the list. The program is Non-CAS only, since there are no CAS symbols for the directory listing functions yet.
« on: August 14, 2010, 04:18:13 am »
So, based on discussions on IRC over the past few days, these are the current plans for OTARM's firmware (please correct me if I'm wrong): OS: Most likely a Linux variant, unless we can write a complete OS from scratch quickly enough. Linux is our best bet, since it allows us to use existing libraries and programs, while giving us a stable base for our system. It also runs with minimal resources. Possible distros include Angstrom, Debian, or Arch. Math software: XCAS is an fairly complete CAS which supports all of the features needed on a calculator. In addition, it has 3 syntax modes (Maple, XCAS, and TI-89), which helps ease the transition from existing platforms to OTARM. The interface and underlying math library (GIAC) are separate, which is good since the current interface has serious user-friendliness issues (for one thing, the English version is partially in French). We will probably be writing our own UI. Programming language: XCAS is programmable, so that settles the math side of things. For application programming (games, etc.) we will probably write or port a BASIC compiler or interpreter. Either way, it is important that we have a built-in language easier to use than Python or C. UI concerns: The terminal and root filesystem will be accessible, but hidden from the average user. We don't want to scare new users with the Linux command-line, or with cryptically named folders like /usr, /bin, and /dev.
Have we decided on a GUI toolkit yet? Also, what filesystem type (ext2, ext3, etc.) and GNU utilities (full or Busybox) are we going to be using? I'll update this post with the latest decisions as time goes on. It has been pointed out that ext* is not supported by Windows. With this in mind, FAT32 is probably the way to go.
« on: August 14, 2010, 01:59:50 am »
Would it be possible to make the text entry box in OmnomIRC not grab focus as soon as the page is loaded? I often visit on a laptop with no mouse, and the auto-focusing makes it hard to scroll down using the arrow keys.
« on: July 26, 2010, 01:38:05 am »
Phew, I think I didn't miss anything big So, what OS do you use? I have various Ubuntus and Linux distros, with my netbook dualbooting 7.
« on: July 23, 2010, 10:50:04 pm »
In case anyone is interested, here is the old floor casting code from Ncaster. Its rather rudimentary, but with a bit of modding you can cast a tilemap. It might be useful for a racer or something. To compile, drop main.c and rayheader.c/h into an standard Nspire dev directory, modify the Makefile appropriately, and compile as usual. It is interesting to note that this is technically a real-time raytracer, albeit a very, very, very limited one. Madness!
« on: July 13, 2010, 12:41:41 am »
Does anyone know how to list the contents of a directory on the Nspire?
« on: June 09, 2010, 02:34:28 am »
I was experimenting with bitmap file loading today, and the program has reached a semi-usable state, so here it is. It has no file browsing, so to use it, you will need a 24-bit bmp file with dimensions less than 320x240, renamed to test.tns and placed in a folder called bmpviewer on the Nspire. It has only been tested with bitmaps produced by the GIMP. Hopefully I will figure out how to add more features (like browsing) in the future. Enjoy!
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:45:27 pm »
For some reason, TILP stopped working with my Nspire's 84+ mode, possible because I downgraded to 1.1. So, I installed TI-Connect under Windows, only to find that TI-Connect can no longer send files to my Nspire, either, because the USB Descriptors are screwy and Windows thinks the Nspire's 84 mode is actually an 89 Titanium. Does anyone have a workaround for this, other than reverting to a newer OS?
« on: May 16, 2010, 10:30:56 pm »
I have seen more than one post talking about writing some basic libraries for the Nspire, so I felt that it would be a good idea to start a thread to post any headers we have. I will start with a modified utils.h/c that supports drawing pixels to a screen buffer. This should be useful for people doing graphics functions. Right now we need: -Program Loader -Graphics: Triangles, dithering, filled circles, etc. -Better Text I/O (I wrote some, but they are a bit weak) -More OS symbols -An implementation of the standard library (stdlib.h, stdio.h, etc) for easier porting.
EDIT 1: Attached a file Edit your Nspire code in this folder, and then type 'make' to build. It provides the minimal portion of Ndless required to write programs. EDIT 2: Attached willrandship's modified common.h, with all the keycodes in it. EDIT 3: Found a small bug in common.h. EDIT 4: Latest EDIT 5: Realized that MakeTNS is platform-dependent. skeleton is split into Linux and Windows versions. EDIT 6: Attached a graphics.h/c, which is a not quite finished, but still useful, collection of graphics routines. Right now it contains fast circle and line routines, and some functional but slow rectangle and sprite routines.
EDIT 7: common-fixed.h and are now unnecessary. They have been integrated into the files, so don't bother downloading them. graphics.h/c are still separate for now, and will be until they are finished.
EDIT 8: Updated graphics.c/h to graphics2.c/h. This one contains a much better sprite routine that uses proper memory-copying methods to draw the sprite. The sprite data format has changed, so if you have any old sprite data pass them to
convsprite(char* sprite, char* result, int w, int h)
Here, result is a buffer that is of size w * h / 2 used to hold the new data. EDIT 9: apcalc found a small bug in common.h. Fixed! EDIT 10: Fixed a nasty sprite() bug. EDIT 11: and merged. I added a few text and string routines to it (string.h, screen.h) as well as dirlist.h, which lets you list the files in a given directory. Yes, I know this violates EDIT 1, which states that is minimal, but being able to draw text is too useful. Also, common-fixed.h and have disappeared. EDIT 12: added a function filesize(char* path) to utils.h. Pass it the path to a file and it returns its size.
« on: May 08, 2010, 11:26:15 pm »
This thread is to keep track of various released versions. Questions/comments should be posted in the original discussion thread, or in a new topic. Version 0.2.0
This is the first beta release (with source) of Ncaster. It may contain bugs, and definitely contains bad style and/or unoptimized code. Questions about engine usage, advice, comments, or optimizations are all welcome (but remember, NOT IN THIS THREAD!).
« on: March 23, 2010, 01:23:20 am »
I finally got around to writing some code for my Nspire raycaster project. Right now it is shamefully featureless, as it basically draws untextured walls from a scene defined by a hard-coded array in the source:  The big problem I'm having right now is getting the animation not to flicker (the above screenshot was not animated). Does anyone here (maybe calc84maniac?) know how to do flickerless animation on the Nspire? Once I get the animation working, I'll add other things, like texture mapping and sprites. Also, does anyine know how to pause execution for a specified amount of time (so I can limit the frame rate)? Right now, from my preliminary flickery code, it seems like I have plenty of speed to work with.
« on: March 12, 2010, 03:35:10 pm »
Is there any way to output/input text on the Nspire when programming in C?
« on: December 28, 2009, 09:28:25 pm »
A combination of boredom, need, and a sudden urge to test the speed of Nspire Basic has caused me to write a symbolic manipulator/CAS for the regular TI-Nspire. It does factorization, expansion, differentiation, and several other things right now, with varying degrees of success and slowness. It most notably DOES NOT support implied multiplication.
Comments/suggestions about the program, its bugs, and its terrible speed (especially the differentiator) are all welcome.
How do you insert images in posts? Clicking the "Insert Image" button just gives me a pair of img tags.
« on: September 20, 2009, 02:16:38 pm »
Could someone give instructions (or a shell script) on how to convert ROMs under Linux?
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