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General Calculator Help / problems about nspire cx maybe prototype?
« on: March 24, 2013, 11:13:40 pm »
I have got a Ti-nspire cx recently.
But I can't modify any files or folders in the handheld. And can't update the OS.

When I connected it to the laptop using Computer Link, I can only copy files out of the handheld, but can't create new folders or delete files. When I click to create a new folder, the error message is "The file could not be transferred. The file name is invalid on the destination".
When I click to delete a file in the handheld, error"experienced a problem while communicating with the handheld.A retry may be successful".

Meanwhile, I can't modify files,(including create, save, delete) on the handheld side either.
If create, the created file will disappear after some refresh, and the cal may just reboot.
If delete files, the deleted file will appear again after some refresh.

Besides,when I try to update the OS, error with"not enough space, plz free up an additional 407,233KB" which is ridiculous.

There's no words saying it's a prototype on the cal. And I don't find any difference between production ones in terms of appearance.
OS is     ID is 1008000001A82234270464A681   
Boot1 3.0.99     Boot2 3.10.16
And the last 6 sn on the back is P 0711C

I have tried the reset button, no use.

I've tried to enter the maintenance menu and select delete all documents, after reboot, the files within remain there!!!

in the root dir,
Examples->Getting Started 3_0.tns
MyLib->linalg.tns, numtheory.tns
that's all.

I have upload the file to this addr below.   

is it a prototype one so that the function is limited?
is there any possibility to change it to normal one?

Thank you.

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