General Calculator Help / Ti-nSpire CX upgraded to CAS but no mViewer/ndless - why?
« on: May 17, 2013, 05:43:25 pm »
I followed the instructions and read up well.. but perhaps missed something...
I used nLaunch to install CAS on my CX.
1) followed instructions to point of OS selection - I chose to DL the posted TI-NspireCXCAS_3.2.3.1233.tcc
2) I then used TNOC and copied the output to phoenix.tns
3) used TI link to transfer to documents/nlaunch
4) I reset.. diag mode then deleted OS
5) I then transferred over the nlaunch.tnc
6) reset - and Yippie! It installed the CAS OS on my CX!
7) tried to use the previously installed mViewer... not working..
ndless appears to not work now... went to ndless website - it says 3.2.3 not supported...
Am I missing something?
I then tried to downgrade back to the versions using the same above instructions, but it hung up on the installing OS... so I went back to the version and it works again - but no ndless or mviewer
Any ideas on what I can do now?
I would like to be able to open my pdf files - but more important is the ability to view my saved png and jpg graph screenshots and other images...
I used nLaunch to install CAS on my CX.
1) followed instructions to point of OS selection - I chose to DL the posted TI-NspireCXCAS_3.2.3.1233.tcc
2) I then used TNOC and copied the output to phoenix.tns
3) used TI link to transfer to documents/nlaunch
4) I reset.. diag mode then deleted OS
5) I then transferred over the nlaunch.tnc
6) reset - and Yippie! It installed the CAS OS on my CX!
7) tried to use the previously installed mViewer... not working..
ndless appears to not work now... went to ndless website - it says 3.2.3 not supported...
Am I missing something?
I then tried to downgrade back to the versions using the same above instructions, but it hung up on the installing OS... so I went back to the version and it works again - but no ndless or mviewer
Any ideas on what I can do now?
I would like to be able to open my pdf files - but more important is the ability to view my saved png and jpg graph screenshots and other images...