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Topics - Wayne

Pages: [1]
Other Calculators / [BUYING] TI Nspire CX CAS
« on: February 26, 2014, 04:22:03 pm »

I want to buy a new or used TI Nspire CX CAS, it depends on the condition of the device.
Price: Make me an offer.
Shipping: I would prefer Germany (Europe might be possible too)

If you are interested in selling your device send me a pn.

P.S. When will the successor of the CX announced. Any rumors?


Other Calculators / [Selling] TI Nspire CAS with Touchpad
« on: November 28, 2013, 11:54:58 am »
Hey Community,

I want to sell my TI Nspire CAS with Touchpad mint in box.
Price: Make an offer ;)
Shipping: I would prefer Germany (Europe might be possible too)

If you are interested or have a question send me a pn.


P.S. I don't want to sell on eBay or Amazon because they don't know the value of such a great product <_<

Calculator C / Problems with nLaunch
« on: May 13, 2013, 04:23:14 am »
Good Morning,

I have some trouble with installing nLaunch on my CAS Touch calculator. At first I want to make a backup because
{{Warning|This method will format all data in the process. Make sure that all data on the calculator is backed up.}}
  and I found a function in TiLP but it is gray and not selectable. I am using TiLP 1.17. An other thing is that I don't get access to the maintenance menu. I put the batteries out, put them in again, hold doc, menu and ee and press on. But the calculator starts normal even after several tries. I used this tutorial and the included readme.

PS.: I found out that I can change the boot order to boot diags before boot2. Is the diags the maintenance menu because I can't find the option to delete me OS?

Edit: Oops, I thought the commands on the page and in the readme are the same but they aren't. Somebody should change the commands for the Touch to doc, enter end ee. If I delete the OS will my docs deleted too? How can I make a backup without TINCS?


General Calculator Help / Shutdown the Nspire completely?
« on: February 04, 2013, 10:53:15 am »
Hey Guys,
I have a question. As the topic indicates is it possible to shutdown completely? I mean that the calc has to boot the OS again. Yes I know you can set the hibernate to 1 day but that is not helpful.

PS. Did I already introduce myself?


Pages: [1]