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Topics - azenor33

Pages: [1]
General Calculator Help / How have they managed to make this app ?
« on: September 18, 2013, 03:30:33 pm »
Hi,  ;D

I came across this tns file and I'd like to modified it.
But I take an enormous amount of time with the "Script editor" in the Cas software.

So I'd like to know if someone knew how it was made.
They manage to create folders in a tns file, and it's very quick.

There is a lot of string.unchar for special characters, and images with the text parts, wich make me think it wasn't directly typed, but made using something else or converted.

LUA is involved, and the text part inside those folders look like there were made whith WordRider for ti89 ^^

Here is the txt version of the script extracted with the Script editor :

Here is a comment who could mean something to someone "--docs will be added by makeviewer"

If some of you could help, it would mean the world to me  ;D

Some screenshots :

Introduce Yourself! / Hi :)
« on: September 18, 2013, 02:45:02 pm »
Hi, I'm french and new to this world, i'm interested in my nspire cas cx and lua.

Have a good day, or night.  ;)

Pages: [1]