TI Calculators / TI-84+ Kana Learning Program
« on: September 07, 2014, 01:53:25 pm »
Hiya everyone
a few weeks ago i've downloaded Nihongo!, a Kana learning program made by Charles Wetzel
and then i started to improve upon it, by adding (han)dakuten and youon, and i've even added special characters for english transcription, and the program is around 80% faster than before
please check it out and any feedback would be highly appreciated
a few weeks ago i've downloaded Nihongo!, a Kana learning program made by Charles Wetzel
and then i started to improve upon it, by adding (han)dakuten and youon, and i've even added special characters for english transcription, and the program is around 80% faster than before

please check it out and any feedback would be highly appreciated