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Topics - Loser

Pages: [1]
TI-Nspire / Windows for nSpire
« on: November 17, 2013, 02:33:14 pm »
Today I had an idea:

Im not sure, but I think this would be relatively easy to program:
a sort of Windows for nSpire
Written for ndless, it could launch on startup.
User could set a desktop background, and organize their files/programs into folders
in the same way that you could on a windows computer
Calculator, graphs, scratchpad, vernier, notes, data and lists, could be listed in the start menu.
It could also have a clock in the bottom right of the startbar, made similarly to nClock.
This would probably be relatively easy to make because it is just icons and links to documents, but Im not sure since I dont program for ndless.

Introduce Yourself! / Im introducing myself :D
« on: November 12, 2013, 07:05:28 pm »
i got an nSpire at the start of this school year, and I've been working in TI Basic. Right now Im working on my first project: A complex RPG. Its gonna  be awesome >:D

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