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Topics - ganpom

Pages: [1]
ASM / Best App Compiler
« on: March 26, 2014, 10:08:02 pm »
Hey everyone

I was wondering what the best z80 compiler is for creating apps specifically. If anyone has suggestions that would be great.

Thanks in advance


ASM / Unable to open Apps in WabbitEmu created on Org ide
« on: January 08, 2014, 10:36:34 pm »
I used the option on Org to create a default app, compiled it as an app (.8xk), and then tried to open it with WabbitEmu.
As soon as I selected to open the app.8xk a dialog box pops up saying "Sending file 1 of 1" and another dialog box that just says that "Unfortunately Wabbitemu has appeared to have crashed. Would you like to send a crash report to the developers so they can fix it."
I'm not sure if the problem is because WabbitEmu is having issues, the header generated by the ide is wrong or if something in my computer is causing the issue.
I have the lastest 64 bit version of WabbitEmu emulated a ti-84 plus using the 2.43 os version. I am running Windows 7.
Any ideas or if someone else can confirm that this issue is even present would be appreciated.



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