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Topics - Zbee

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General Calculator Help / How to get this program from a TI84+ SE
« on: March 12, 2015, 07:18:43 pm »
My teacher's TI84+ SE calculator looks like this when the Y= button is pressed: (the image is attached, just in case it's removed from imgur)

This is not running a program or anything, that is just the screen after Y= is pressed.

As you can see, this is a very useful program, and I would like to have it on my own calculator (TI84+ SE C), and my friend's calculator (TI84+), but do not know how since it is not just a program.

I have her caculator until tomorrow (2015-03-13) or possibly longer if no one has figured it out until then; just let me know what you need a list of (programs, flash apps, whatever, I don't know) to make my and my friend's calculator like my teacher's.

Any help would be appreciated.

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