General Calculator Help / Installing boot2 on nspire CX
« on: February 22, 2016, 09:19:40 am »
I have a TI nspire CX that has a serial number that ends with a 'T". I have been trying to follow some of the tutorials that use nLaunchy that would allow one to use the CX CAS software on the calculator.
I have version 4 of the CX software on the calculator. I have installed ndless and have tried using nsNandManager to flash boot2 onto the calculator, but it always tells me the image has been rejected as it would be dangerous for my calculator.
What I would like to know then is:
Is there a way to get the version in question of boot2 installed on the calculator?
If not, is there maybe a way to downgrade to a version of the software that would allow me to have this version of boot2? I managed to get down to 3.6, but couldn't get down to 3.2.3 from there. When transferring the OS over, the link software would always tell me the OS was invalid or corrupt.
Is there maybe another version of boot2 that nLaunchy works with, or another project that aims to do the same thing as nLaunch?
The ultimate goal here is to get the CAS software running on the calculator.
I have a TI nspire CX that has a serial number that ends with a 'T". I have been trying to follow some of the tutorials that use nLaunchy that would allow one to use the CX CAS software on the calculator.
I have version 4 of the CX software on the calculator. I have installed ndless and have tried using nsNandManager to flash boot2 onto the calculator, but it always tells me the image has been rejected as it would be dangerous for my calculator.
What I would like to know then is:
Is there a way to get the version in question of boot2 installed on the calculator?
If not, is there maybe a way to downgrade to a version of the software that would allow me to have this version of boot2? I managed to get down to 3.6, but couldn't get down to 3.2.3 from there. When transferring the OS over, the link software would always tell me the OS was invalid or corrupt.
Is there maybe another version of boot2 that nLaunchy works with, or another project that aims to do the same thing as nLaunch?
The ultimate goal here is to get the CAS software running on the calculator.