TI-Nspire / Accessing the Nspire Fonts
« on: August 18, 2011, 01:41:33 am »
Up till now, to print text on the Nspire screen required you to bring
your own Font table into your code. This is not always convenient.
The text is small, but a simple OS call: disp_str(char*, int *x, int y) prints a string where you want it
without bringing in extra screen routines and a Font table.
Maybe this can be used in the Ndless console program ?
Here is a simple example I found for Ndless 1.7 and
your own Font table into your code. This is not always convenient.
The text is small, but a simple OS call: disp_str(char*, int *x, int y) prints a string where you want it
without bringing in extra screen routines and a Font table.
Maybe this can be used in the Ndless console program ?

Here is a simple example I found for Ndless 1.7 and