Ndless / [nRGBlib] W.I.P - Colorful librairy for Ndless 3.1
« on: January 04, 2012, 04:00:48 pm »
Hello everybody,
I'm coming from TI-Planet to inform you about the progression of nRGBlib, which is a Ndless colorful (but compatible with classic Nspire) library.
You can see the corresponding news :
Roadmap :
nRGBlib 0.1 : First stable version - available on request
nRGBlib 0.2 : Former stable version - public
nRGBlib is composed of several packages to perfectly suit your needs.
Medias :
GeometriCX v0.1
nRGBlib v0.1 with CXSnake and GeometriCX
nRGBlib v0.2dev with HelloRGB, CXSnake and GeometriCX (Thanks to Goplat for his emulator)
nRGBlib v0.3 indev : RPG + map editor
4bpp drawing has been accelered a lot since v0.3, but the video was taken before the optimization.
Here is my Bitbucket (Mercurial) repository. Go in "Downloads" section :
If you have any question or suggestion about this library, please feel free
I'm coming from TI-Planet to inform you about the progression of nRGBlib, which is a Ndless colorful (but compatible with classic Nspire) library.
You can see the corresponding news :
- v0.1 : http://ourl.ca/14589 (EN) (thanks to jimbauwens)
- v0.1 : http://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8591 (FR)
- v0.2 : http://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8672 (FR)
- v0.3 : http://tiplanet.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=123024 (FR)
Roadmap :
nRGBlib 0.1 : First stable version - available on request
- Drawing pixel in color.
- Clearing the screen in color.
- Drawing an ordinary line in color.
- Drawing rectangle, square or vertical and horizontal line in color.
- Drawing circle and disc in color.
- Drawing an empty triangle (only borders) in color.
- Drawing 8x8 pixels tile (good definition, but in french) with possibility to resize them (only x2, x4,... for 0.1 version) in single color and multi colors mode.
- Drawing a character with possibility to resize it (only x2, x4,... for 0.1 version) in color.
- Drawing a string, with possibility to resize it (only x2, x4,... for 0.1 version) and possibility to enable / disable line wrap, in color.
nRGBlib 0.2 : Former stable version - public
- Compile statically, like libndls, to alleviate the executable.
- Organize the library to allow proper expansion in continuity.
- Classic Nspire and CX compatibility, without re-building.
- Reduce the number of arguments of the functions, to accelerate the execution ? only colors for this version.
- Mozilla Public License 2.0 added.
- Version ready for Ndless 3
- Images support. The images' format is a custom one. However, an exporter is provided and is capable to export all popular formats (bmp, dds, jpg, png, tga, psd (thanks to SFML ) ).
The images' weight is smaller than BMP, but heavier than PNG : 320x240 image => BMP = 225Ko, PNG = 6.19Ko et CUSTOM = 151Ko.
Images are saved outside of the program, unlike tiles.
Currently, 4bpp calculators can't draw images which have uneven width, so 240x245 is bad ? 240x244. - Sub-images support, ie drawing only a part of an image.
- Buffering support. Possibility to use several screen buffers and to make a screen shot (but can't save it yet).
- Boost of the drawBox() function, which is used by several others. The former version, slower, is still available : drawBoxSl().
nRGBlib is composed of several packages to perfectly suit your needs.
- Color, RGB <-> BW conversion, precomputed colors.
- Screen buffer, creation, drawing, screen shootinh, clearing.
- setPixel(), clearScreen().
- nGEO:
- Shapes: Discus, Circle, Line, Rectangle, Square, Triangle.
- Display functions of these shapes.
- nTILE:
- Tile 8x8 in one color or in multicolors.
- Display functions of tiles.
- ? Tiles are saved INSIDE of the program.
- Image, initializing, loading, drawing, getPixel().
- Sub-image, initializing, loading, drawing, getPixel().
- ? Images are saved OUTSIDE of the program.
- nGUI:
- Structures: Letter, Text.
- Display functions of these structures.
- rand() and randMinMax() functions.
Medias :
GeometriCX v0.1
nRGBlib v0.1 with CXSnake and GeometriCX
nRGBlib v0.2dev with HelloRGB, CXSnake and GeometriCX (Thanks to Goplat for his emulator)
nRGBlib v0.3 indev : RPG + map editor
4bpp drawing has been accelered a lot since v0.3, but the video was taken before the optimization.
Here is my Bitbucket (Mercurial) repository. Go in "Downloads" section :
- Tags ? v0.* ? zip to get source.
- "samples-v0.*.zip" to get only the samples.
If you have any question or suggestion about this library, please feel free