hello world!
I've been posting around on this forum for quiet some time now, and suddenly I felt the enormous need for peanuts.
When I have just one minute of free time, you'll see me programming on anything programmable:P
I started my 'carreer' in HTML, and extended it pretty soon with JS and CSS. Beside this I was creating games using GameMaker form Mark Overmars.
when that got a little bit boring, I decided to switch to a real programming language, and i found c#. I can't remember exactly why I chose this language, but doesn't really matter IMO.
At school in pauses i programmed on my calc in BASIC, which is right now not really programming anymore, but just slow scripting, since my aquaintance with Axe.
At this moment I'm still programming in c#: tools to create Axe sourcecode to be converted using sourcecode, and then compiled with Axe. I'm also making an
explorer-like program: BuccaneerI programmed pretty recently a Heroes of Might and Magic remake for calc for the Axe contest, as you all will know I guess. Right now I'm rewriting a handy program for a clear overview of all my math formula's which could be handy on my final exam.
are there any questions? who has some peanuts for me? could you also describe how I can use my peanuts, since it are the first real peanuts I'll see in my life ^^