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Miscellaneous / Kim Dotcom - Mr President« on: July 20, 2012, 12:22:16 pm »
I just noticed this vidéo :
Axe / Bitmap compression« on: March 10, 2012, 07:21:27 pm »
I want to compress my bitmap (monochrom) 256*256 pixels (8192 bytes). I tried to make my own rle compression in this way : the first bit to determinate state (1 = pixel on, 0 = pixel off) then 7 bits are used to indicate number of pixels to fill with this value. eg. this code : Code: [Select] [FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0000] Should be :Code: [Select] [C010] Here my code, it leave program without reason. That's probably due to a corrupted RAM (each time it display ARC>7500Ko ). Spoiler For Spoiler: 4
OmnomIRC Development / fr notifications are not displayed on omni-fr« on: February 02, 2012, 04:52:58 pm »
All is in description.
I noticed that new post are not displayed on #omnimaga-fr, obvious it should. Can you fix this problem ? 5
TI Z80 / Idea : axiom DCS routines« on: April 02, 2011, 04:03:20 pm »
First, I'm not an asm programmer, so I just give the idea.
I was thinking about mixing DCS routine with Axe parser, with help of an axiom librairy. En exemple, Alexis from Espace-TI (french) tried to make same graphic routine than DCS, but in Axe : His executable take 1500Ko (without support mouse selection), and when I see Mobile tune with 1700Ko, better graphic, best synthesizer midi on z80, etc... I think DCS routines are so powerfull. So, If someone can make an axiom, that could be a little revolution ! 6
Other Calculators / A 83+ with 1400 Ko !« on: January 26, 2011, 10:12:01 am »
Since recent weeks, my 83+ display I've 1400Ko in my flash memory :
Sure that's a joke, but I think my problem come from my axe game "a present at any price". Axe still holds surprises... 8
The Axe Parser Project / List of all programs made with Axe Parser« on: December 03, 2010, 05:54:32 pm »
I make a list with every game/program make in Axe langage this year.
Give me the links for each program (Please, notice if your game is in progress) 0-9
2 players shooter game 3D raycasting engine The 4th Dimension (in progress) A Ash: Phoenix(in progress) Avoid Axe Snake Axe Tunnel Axe Tunnel (3-LV Grayscale RickRoll Edition) Axe Tunnel (4-LV Grayscale RickRoll Edition) B Blur (in progress) Bouncer Builder Bomberman Yet Another Bomberman C Collision Course (in progress) Contra (in progress) Conway's game of life (in progress) Cuberunner cUbEs D DionJump Dodge E Eat Nethams: The Game Eitrix (In progress) F Falldown FailFlush G Graviter (in progress) Gateways: Portals of Time (in progress) H I Itotooshi Inferno:Valani's Promise (in progress) J Jump! K Key Group Check L Light (in progress) M Maxwell's Demon MEGR drawing Minesweeper Minigame N Nostalgia (in progress) O P Papi jump Piano simulator Ping Pokemon TI (in progress) Powder game (in progress) Pugluna pyyrix's most excellent adventure The Psyche Q R Racer 3D : Replay Yet Another Axe Raycaster S Simul Space Dash Spider Splut Stand T THEaxeGAMEpak Tio Trio and Niko: Falling (in progress) Axe Terminal (in progress) Tunnel Game U upong V Vector tunnel W Wallball Window Maze X XDE (in progress) Xeverion (in progress) Y Z 9
Art / 8*8 sprites with 4 grayscales about christmas.« on: November 25, 2010, 11:29:14 am »
Everything is in the title, I want a maximum of sprites (tree, snowman, snow, Santa Claus, etc..) Size 8*8 with 4 levels of gray.
PS : You can even propose tilemaps consist of several tile 8*8 which is assembled. 10
Axe / filling subroutine« on: November 11, 2010, 05:30:01 pm »
I'm looking to make a function filling like paint. I already tried some stuff, but I think I share in the wrong direction :
Code: [Select] :2→Z
Axe / transform an image displayed in hexadecimal String« on: November 07, 2010, 12:41:35 pm »
I would like to include a subroutine in my drawing program that transforms screen displayed (96*64 pixels) in hexadecimal text then I record in a string. But I do not know where to start, can anyone help me? 12
[FR] Autre Sujets de Programmation TI, Casio et Aide / Explication de la taille d'une application« on: October 17, 2010, 10:54:04 am »
Je cherche à savoir pourquoi une application est obligatoirement multiple de 16384?
Merci de m'expliquer 13
Art / Slot machine« on: October 13, 2010, 07:45:24 am »
I have a program slot (quickly). Only at the display of the machine, I thought of a main inteface (which takes the whole screen) with 8*8 small tiles on parade (very quickly) until you press the stop button. So I ask cherries, number 7, a beer and a small ax (style Axe Parser) in 8*8. And if you could give ideas on the interface screen for a 96 * 64. PS: Please put 3 grayscale (no more) for tile 8*8. 14
Art / Image 50*50 : Axe Parser Tutorial« on: October 12, 2010, 02:43:27 pm »
I'm doing a tutorial on Axe Parser (in French), I need 50 * 50 image to illustrate my chapters. You can put colours or not, as you want. I ask just you surprise me .
List :
Art / the best pen 8*8« on: October 10, 2010, 05:44:42 am »
I ask a tile for the best pen in 8*8, black and white. Thanks
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