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Topics - gibaoran

Pages: [1]
Axe / Resetting Data?
« on: November 23, 2011, 01:22:34 am »
Just a quick nooby question:

I make a pointer to some data
[0101020202etc -> GDB1

I compile and run, and at the end the data looks a bit different

Next time I run it it starts with [000000000etc instead of the [0101020202 I am adding a pointer to

So if your with me (which is hard because its late and I can tell what I have written makes little sense), how would I make it so every time I run a program it resets the data instead of using the previous runs data?

TI-BASIC / Ticks?
« on: November 19, 2010, 01:12:47 am »
How would I tell when the clock has gained a second best?

I am currently using:

Code: [Select]
:while LA(3)=LB(3)
://Second passed, do stuff

I am 100% certain there is a better way.

Pages: [1]