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Messages - bryoda12

Pages: [1]
Axe / Re: Sprite Reducer
« on: December 13, 2010, 08:10:22 pm »
Oh my god, thanks, I have spent hours, well actually a couple days looking for 8 by 8 zelda sprites, excuse me while I go crap myself

Axe / Re: Sprite Reducer
« on: December 13, 2010, 08:00:27 pm »
The game it's for is a zelda clone that I just started, and the screen is 8 by 10 sprites, so if the sprites were 8x8, it would fit perfectly on the calc, Ill post the sprites that I have right now, it's just for the outside though, if you want to try to convert them, be my guest, theres 247 of them. Im working on getting the inside ones.

Axe / Sprite Reducer
« on: December 13, 2010, 07:13:08 pm »
In a game I'm currently making, I'm looking for an efficient algorithm to reduce a 16x16 sprite to 8x8 without just clustering every 4 pixels together because that looks like crap, It is in 4-level grayscale. does anyone have any help that they could give me for this?

Pages: [1]