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Messages - SomeoneWhoIsntMe

Pages: [1]
ASM / Re: Linux - assembler for TI-83+
« on: October 19, 2011, 09:51:50 am »
First of all thanks for all the posts.
Sadly I haven't had the time to experiment a lot during the past weeks. I only compiled a few programs and everything seems to work using the method described in my second post. I'm happy with that for now, especially since i don't really have much time for programming for my calculator at the moment  :(

ASM / Re: Linux - assembler for TI-83+
« on: October 04, 2011, 10:48:04 am »
First of all thanks for the Welcome. I'm definitely going to introduce myself to the forums.

It turned out, that I downloaded a somewhat strange version of the spasm assembler which didn't want to accept the -DTI83P before listing the input and output files. Now I downloaded it once again, this time from this source:

I wrote the following example code and compiled it.

Code: [Select]
#define TI83P
#include ""

.org $9D95
.db $BB,$6D
ld a,5
ld b,2
add a,b
ld h,0
ld l,a

Using "spasm -DTI83P name.asm name.8xp" i get :

Code: [Select]
Pass one...
Pass two...
exporter:-1: warning: First character in name must be a letter.

So it compiles, but in tilem the file does have an empty name and doesn't run as well. Seems to me like there is one more thing missing in my code or in the compiler options I used?!  <_<

It IS working to assemble the source using "spasm -DTI83P name.asm" and then using binpac8x ("./ name.bin") to convert it to a .8xp-file though. I thought devpac/binpac are only needed when using tasm??? What is it good for anyway? some kind of linker?
This solution seems to me like just a workaround. Hopefully someone can tell me how to solve this by just using spasm.

ASM / Linux - assembler for TI-83+
« on: October 04, 2011, 08:02:44 am »
Hi everyone,

I am about to make a second attempt on learning assembly language for my ti-81+ calculator.
But i dont want to boot up windows every time i do asm programming, basically because it sucks  :banghead:

I got tilem emulator working and now i am in search for a good assembler. On windows I used Latenite IDE with the built-in brass, but i think, this one wont work under Linux. I got spasm compiling using

Code: [Select]
spasm name.asm name.8xp
and also tried

Code: [Select]
spasm name.asm name.8xp -DTI83P
as suggested here:

Both files aren't recognized by tilem. the emulator is just stating "Unknown or invalid file format, aborting". It works when using a 8xp-file compiled with brass in windows though.

Can anyone help me with this? I don't have to use spasm, any other assembler with a similar syntax will be just fine, but i dont really want to use wine, a native linux solution would be far superior.

Thanks in advance! (and please excuse my poor English)

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