Hey everyone, its been a little while since I've been on here. Anyways, I come with some awesome ideas etc. Here is the premise. A few friends and I are collaborating on an online (free to play) card game. Similar to hearthstone in execution, but obviously has different mechanics game wise. We had our team research what hearthstone players like and don't like about hearthstone. A few things we concluded: the meta is very bland and similar, game mechanics are a little unpredictable at times (when certain things all effect the stack at once, because hearthstone doesn't regulate a stack), and the weak interactions between players (such as on your opponents turn, you have no way of playing anything during that time frame, leaving no counteractions etc). Overall we acknowledge that hearthstone has been very successful, however think a game that broadens the online trading card game franchise will be just as successful and more popular. With that in mind, we have come up with our game. Doesn't have a name yet.. Sadly, but that is something that is very important and we want to make sure it reflects what we are doing.
This is a snippet I sent to our artists on explanation to what this game is:
"Hey everybody,
You might have been wondering what exactly we are trying to do here. Well I'm going to try and answer that a little bit. I've described this to some people as this:
"Have you ever played hearthstone? Or magic? Or dragonball z? Heh. The card game we are working on is a stylish smash of all three. In hearthstone you have your "leader" the person you are with your ability, in magic, you are the planeswalker, and in dbz (I've never played it) I think you have a player card. Anyways, our game you have what's called a hub. It lets you tap into the magical energies of the domains that cover the planet. (Im not on the story board dev team, so I don't know exact specifics). There are 6 domains. Technology: rapid spread of upgrading, machinery and repair. Nature: slow and steady growth that blooms into strong unified creatures, also can be explosive but for a cost. Infernal: death is the payment for greater things, as well as betting against the odds for great reward. Magic: elemental energy, and future knowledge. Atomic: creatures and cards that want to destroy everything, including possibly themselves. Divine: fortification in unity, and small soldiers that add up.
I know that wasn't much of an explanation of each domain, like I said, we are still developing and im still learning.
Anyways, each hub (your life force and place you seek to protect from enemies) starts at 35 life. Each hub had a unique ability that is there the whole game. If you want to upgrade a hub, there are things called pieces that can be attached (only one can be attached at a time) that give your hub extra abilities. Our creatures in this game are called grunts. There are types of cards called events as well, that can be played at anytime that have either a lasting effect on the board state, or have a one time effect. They are pretty good being able to be played at any time, therefore, they are only printed in the uncommon and rare slots. Buffs are things that can either alter a grunt or hurt it. And can be played whenever you want on your turn. Specials can be played at any time and usually are meant to counteract and manipulate when your opponent plays things.
I could write a bunch more.. But that's just a general idea of how this game plays"
That generally briefs what is going on.
What we have done so far:
-Designed 1000+ cards
-Designed the first set (275 cards)
-Fixed abilities etc, as some were op.
-I've made an algorithm that randomly makes packs of cards
-Contacted artists and have started making event decks (practice decks that people can use to learn the game)
We want to bring this game to a gaming convention in Reno, July 15th. However we obviously know that the app won't be completed in that time, so we are going to be printing out this "event" decks and letting people try their hands at this new card game.
Also, the day before; July 14th, we are going to be starting our kickstarter campaign, this is mainly to cover costs of paying artists, programmers, and servers until we start making money off of this.
SO basically, why I came here to cemetech today, is to ask if anybody would be devoted into helping make this a thing? The reward will be high, but also a bit of work. Obviously a contract will be written out and signed legally. Of course this post isn't enough information to go off of..
But basically we need some app programmers (for apple, and andriod), that are good enough to complete a project such as this.
So please pm and/or comment about interest!!!
Sorry for such a wordy post. Here is some eye candy of some of the art we have been working on.