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Messages - Nekfh

Pages: [1]
General Calculator Help / Re: Can I update my Calc ?
« on: October 04, 2014, 12:19:26 am »
Ok I think I found it:

In the readme file, you need to follow the Uninstallation steps. Also, to access the maintenance menu, I found the key combo and it's Doc+Enter+EE. While holding these down (your fingers must be 15 inches long :P ), use a pen to push the reset button on the back and keep holding the Doc+Enter+EE down until the maintenance menu appears.

LOL alright buddy,I really appreciate your help  :love: .

General Calculator Help / Re: Can I update my Calc ?
« on: October 03, 2014, 01:12:08 am »
tbh I'm very confused now.  :'(

 1-Well my handheld is non-CAS and I installed CAS 3.2 

2- What I need is Can I remove CAS 3.2  and Install CAS 3.6; so I can have ndless and CAS on non-CAS.

Thank you for your time  ;D

General Calculator Help / ok
« on: October 02, 2014, 10:57:17 pm »
Ok, how I could remove the current OS (CAS and Install 3.6 ?

Keep in mind I use CX handheld.

Thank you.

General Calculator Help / Can I update my Calc ?
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:10:37 pm »
Hi guys, I've downgrade my CX 3.6 to CX CAS folowing this tut.

I have few question and I hope you help me with, I'm pretty new to modifying CX/CAS .

Q1/ Since I run CX CAS 3.23.12233 on CX can I install needless and have 3 party app ?

Q2/ Can I install CX CAS 3.9 the the last OS on CX following the same tut I mentioned above ?

That's pretty much it for now. Thank you.

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