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Messages - animaaron
Pages: [1]
« on: February 21, 2016, 02:46:14 pm »
Yes, I knew that '^' is a modulo, if A is even I want to halve it, and if it's not I want to do other things. I changed
If A=1 or (A=0) or (A=-1) to this:
If abs(A)<2 //checks if A is less than 2 (if it's 2 it should be divided by 2) Also, I changed all of the 'If' s after my first If to ElseIfs so that only one of them evaluates to true. Now when I hit the 2nd key, my sprite doesn't fall off the screen, but it goes down 7 pixels and then doesn't move anymore, even if I hit 2nd again.
EDIT: I changed the first "If" to this:
If A^2=0 and (A>0) and now when I hit 2nd my character goes down 7 pixels and then up infinitely. I also forgot that (0,0) is in the UPPER left hand corner, so a positive value of A would make them go down. So I need the starting value of A to be negative for them to go up and then back down
« on: February 19, 2016, 02:10:48 pm »
I'm trying to make a platformer - and for the most basic platformer ever, you need jumping. I tried to implement somewhat logical physics, no matter how simple, but I obviously did something wrong. Despite seemingly making it so that the character goes up 7 pixels (4 + 2 + 1 + 0) and then down 7 blocks (0 - 1 - 2 - 4), they just fall straight down, off the screen. Here's my jumping code:
If A^2=0 A/2>A End If A=1 or A=0 or A=-1 A-- End If A=-2 A-2>A End If A=-4 4>A End
And this is how it's called:
Repeat getKey(15)
//blah blah game loop
If getKey(54) or (A!=4) sub(JMP) End
//blah blah blah
End //game loop ends
And yeah, that's not optimized at all. Hahaha
« on: April 30, 2015, 05:41:21 pm »
I don't understand what the r1 pointers (found under the vars>polar menu) are used for
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:49:03 pm »
I'm still having problems...
prgmASSETS //loads all my sprites prgmGDB //loads my GDBs (rn theres only 2)
48->X 40->Y 32->S //S and T are the variables that mark where you 32->T //need to go for the next GDB
Repeat getKey(56) ... //Stuff to load the GDB If getKey(4) and (sub(GT,X,Y-8)=0 or (sub(GT,X,Y-8)=7)) Y-8->Y Pause 500 sub(LOC) End
... //The rest of the keys
End Return prgmSUB //Has all my routines
That's my main program, and there might already be problems, idk. Here's my routine prgm
Lbl GT {r[sub]2[/sub]/8*12+(r[sub]1[/sub]/8)+G} Return
Lbl LOC If X=S and Y=T If G=GBD1 GBD2->G 80->S //These are just temporary numbers. I might change them later. I don't really 48->T //think it matters though Pause 2000 End Return End
That's it... tell me what you find out
« on: April 26, 2015, 02:31:10 pm »
How would I make it so I can switch between GDBs when my character is at a certain spot, to enter a new area?
« on: April 26, 2015, 08:39:03 am »
@Sorunome I have more than one tile I want to test for, so instead of writing !If ... I wrote If getKey(1) and (sub(GT,X,Y+8)=0 or sub(GT,X,Y+8)=3) Y+8->Y Pause 500 End
And so on for the rest of the arrow keys When I write this, my sprite doesn't move at all
« on: April 25, 2015, 07:46:54 pm »
@ben_g THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Ugh stupid little mistakes... its always just one little stupid mistake..
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:47:04 pm »
I'm having trouble with the collision detecting in a simple map I made using a tut I found on the forum.. I don't know whats wrong, cant find a problem anywhere. Here's the code, if you can help me. .TILENOSC [AA4400552200AA44]->Pic0 [FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]
[020202020202010202020202]->GBD1 [020000000000000000000002] [020000000000000000000002] [020000000000000000000002] [020000000000000000000002] [020000000000000000000002] [020000000000000000000002] [020202020202010202020202]
48->X 40->Y
Repeat getKey(56) For(B,0,7 For(A,0,11 {B*12+A+GBD1}->T If T T-- Pt-On(A*8,B*8,T*8+Pic0 End End End Pt-On(X,Y,[7E81FFA57E5A7E42]) DispGraph ClrDraw
If getKey(4) !If sub(GT,X,Y-8)=2 Y-8->Y Pause 500 End End
If getKey(1) !If sub(GT,X,Y+8)=2 Y+8->Y Pause 500 End End
If getKey(2) !If sub(GT,X-8,Y)=2 X-8->X Pause 500 End End
If getKey(3) !If sub(GT,X+8,Y)=2 X+8->X Pause 500 End End
End Return
Lbl GT {r[sub]2[/sub]/8+12+(r[sub]1[/sub]/8)+GBD1} Return
There it is. Please, if you find something wrong, tell me so I can make this work
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:20:18 pm »
The collision detection isn't working properly for me!!!
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