Other Calculators / Re: Why RPN?
« on: February 24, 2018, 11:15:53 am »Being older and wiser than I was in my last response, I maintain that RPN is the clear winner for performance, especially in an interpreted programming language, but infix is better for organization for humans.
Also @martinot, please edit your post instead of double posting.
I think it depends. Chain logic infix (as in four bangers or old calculators) is not always consequent and easy to use for some calculations.
If you do more advanced, or simpler calculations, it could be easier (and faster) with RPN, but I do agree that it needs to be understood first (not natural for a beginner).
I think that text book algebraic notation is probably the easiset entry for most people who is not accustomed to calculatots, but accustomed to mathematics.
Yes, I merged the comments to the first post, but could not find the ”delete”-button? Hade to empty the second post (or put in a ”.” as empty post was not allowed).