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Messages - Lutalli

Pages: [1]
TI-BASIC / Re: New-style Program Editor for TI-83+?
« on: January 27, 2020, 07:55:16 am »
Ah sorry, this is my fault. I forgot the $48.

Code: [Select]
Pass one...
Pass two...
App: 4230 bytes
Assembly time: 0.016 seconds

Anyway, really thanks for your help!

TI-BASIC / Re: New-style Program Editor for TI-83+?
« on: January 26, 2020, 09:50:56 pm »
Em ... Sorry, but it never rains but pours. After I fixed that bug another one occurs:

Code: [Select]
$ ./spasm64.exe src/TIDE.z80 bin/TIDE.8xk -I src -I ../Z80-Optimized-Routines
Pass one...
Pass two...
App: 4230 bytes
exporter: error SE503: Page count field missing

And I tried directly using the compiled TIDE.8xk, it runs well; but sometimes it behaves strangely ... seems to be a little unstable.

TI-BASIC / Re: New-style Program Editor for TI-83+?
« on: January 26, 2020, 08:55:06 am »
@E37 and @Xeda112358 Thanks for your replies!

I just tried TIDE, but I think I got some problems when I tried to build it - here the log:

Code: [Select]
admin@DESKTOP-4LIGQPD MINGW64 .../TIDE (master)
$ ./spasm64.exe src/TIDE.z80 bin/TIDE.8xk -I src -I ../Z80-Optimized-Routines
Pass one...
Pass two...
App: 4226 bytes
exporter: error SE504: Name field missing

Note. I am working on OS Windows 10 and I put spasm64.exe (downloaded with latest release from, 64-bit Windows exe) into the directory of TIDE.

@NonstickAtom785 Thanks for you replies also!

I have little knowledge about assembly and I have just learned AXE for a short time. I only have some experience with other programming languages.

By the way, I suppose creating such an application via BASIC is a little far away from my mind - we have to meet some difficults, mainly the speed our program runs at.

TI-BASIC / New-style Program Editor for TI-83+?
« on: January 24, 2020, 01:38:01 am »
Hi there!

Is there any on-calc program editor for TI-83/84 PLUS which is different from the default one? I suppose the font that the default editor displays (i.e. the normal font of TI-83+) is a little large so that it's a kind of crowded for some relatively complex programs (the code always needs to be divided into two or more lines!). Thus I need a better editor whose font looks smaller.

It's also nice if we can copy and paste the codes via this new editor while writing programs (like what Omnicalc does on homescreen); or if it offers a "special characters" menu (say we can open it by pressing [Y=]) in order that one can type characters like $, ΞΆ easily; or if so on and on.

Has anyone done any work like this? (!If so, I'll create one perhaps)


Pages: [1]