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Messages - kulmascovia

Pages: [1]
TI 68K / Re: Snake Game on 68k BASIC
« on: August 04, 2010, 12:38:41 am »
Thanks. It is a rather slow game. I may try to optimize it in the future.

EDIT: Also, I made the game on the 89 titanium. Not sure if it will work on all 68k calculators.

TI 68K / Snake Game on 68k BASIC
« on: August 03, 2010, 11:51:50 pm »
I recently made a snake game on the 68k BASIC but now I've gotten around to polishing it.

Here is the link for download:

It should be up on TICALC in a few days as well as Tsnake

Time Snake (tsnake) by Kulomascovia

The ReadMe file:


A snake game where you play as a snake of fixed size
and the walls close in on you at certain intervals

Eat 3 dots to advance to the next level. The time interval
decreases as the levels advance.


Directional buttons to control the motion of the snake
Snake will continue moving in the direction of the
button pressed.

This is my first game. There may be some bugs. Please send
me a message if you encounter one. If you have any suggestions
feel free to send me a message as well .

TI-BASIC / Re: So... how 'bout that 68k BASIC programming?
« on: August 03, 2010, 11:49:08 pm »
Well, I'm glad at least SOME people program 68k BASIC. You guys might want to give games a try. :)

TI-BASIC / Re: So... how 'bout that 68k BASIC programming?
« on: August 03, 2010, 09:46:15 pm »
Is anyone still coding in 68k BASIC?

Pages: [1]