Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: My currently unnamed project
« on: June 26, 2011, 11:46:42 pm »
10LvLRUNG Engine
Ten Level Real Unique New Game
Ten Level Real Unique New Game
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Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: My currently unnamed project« on: June 26, 2011, 11:46:42 pm »
10LvLRUNG Engine
Ten Level Real Unique New Game 17
Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: My currently unnamed project« on: June 26, 2011, 11:39:28 pm »
Ten Level Zero-Rudimentary User-Made Game Developer Is it a 2d engine or 3d? 18
Miscellaneous / Re: Definitely retiring from coding« on: June 26, 2011, 05:20:39 pm »
What RQ needs to do is show his parents that he's not rebelling against them, but just doing what he thinks/beleives will help his future. Calculator programming is still programming. It will only open up gateways that will assist him in his future.
RQ: Show your dad some stuff that you wrote that helped the people of this community. He could see that how your programs are helping others pursue their educational goals and helping to make the community better. Once he see's that, he'll most likely let you do a little bit from time to time. Also, if you ever negotiate to program, it better be an all or nothing deal, because if you can only program once per week (for example) you will inevitably forget all of the code and lost your spot on your programs. Really, if you lose this argument and desperate to code. nSpire BASIC still doees the trick. Maybe your parents are right, maybe their not. But NEVER let anyone stand if front of your goals and ambitions. ![]() Good luck.~ (Could someone explain half the situation? Apparently, the other half is in the IRC. ![]() 19
Miscellaneous / Re: Definitely retiring from coding« on: June 25, 2011, 01:55:42 pm »
This is never right. Parents should never stop children from pursuing their dreams.
What would cause your dad to do this to you? This is almost as bad as mental abuse! There is NO VIABLE REASON IN THE WORLD for a parent to stop their child from doing anything, especially coding! You already have your calculators and computer right? Then you surely have the means to continue your dream and career! Make your brain always think in code, and you will never forget that language! Good luck. (Could someone give me an idea what's going on?) 20
TI Z80 / Re: Putting Your Name in the About Screen / Certificate« on: June 23, 2011, 12:40:05 pm »Cool! Not to spoil the fun, but you can always write your name on the back of the calculator Someone could easily use Germ-X to remove it. Having your name in the calculator about screen (where a theif would be least likely to look) is much more secure if authorities find it. Of course, you can easily claim it by telling an administrator to go to the about screen, since your name is hard-coded in. 21
TI-BASIC / Re: [Tutorial] Using "request" and "text" for nSpire BASIC (and workflows!)« on: June 23, 2011, 12:29:45 pm »Nice. Correction, though: the input commands have been added in OS 2.0.0 too. WHAAAAAAAAAAT? Wow. And I thought that this was a new feature in OS 3.0 . Whoops. Anyways, this is still a little known command. 22
TI-BASIC / Re: [Tutorial] Using "request" and "text" for nSpire BASIC (and workflows!)« on: June 22, 2011, 09:27:13 pm »
TI-BASIC / [Tutorial] Using "request" and "text" for nSpire BASIC (and workflows!)« on: June 22, 2011, 09:27:04 pm »
Hello there! AGVolnutt here with a tutorial for an amazing (but little known)
AGVolnutt presents... USING "REQUEST" AND "TEXT" for nSPIRE BASIC (and how to apply them!) Summary When OS In the following tutorial, I will demonstrate how to use the request function and workflows on how to apply it. Getting Started You will need OS know how to launch the workstation, (you shouldn't be here anyways. ![]() Getting to know madame "REQUEST" The request command allows you to gain user input (through windows!) for logical values (1,0,2x,3av,3/4,4^2). I probably just gave you a headache, so therefore I will explain. "request" alone in itself will only take in "number values", however, it's sibling "RequestStr" will allow you to take in strings (Lady Gaga, arc, paper, spoon). Whenever "request" is summoned, it pauses the current program and awaits user input, refusing to move on until input is given or the dialogue is canceled. It should also be noted that the "request" command cannot be used in straight-forward "function" apps. Something that should be noted is that there is one ugly-as-sin error every developer will encounter when using request. USER NONCOMPLIANCE *GASP* That's right. This occurs when the user refuses to give input and totally causes the program to wig out. But we'll get to that later. Generally, a basic "request" command starts out as (inside a program template): request "How old are you?",oay will ask the user how old he/she is and print to the calculator How old are you? 9000 with 9000 being the age that the user inputs. ![]() If you wish for strings to be inputed, just add "str" to the end of "request", like so: "RequestStr" and then use words instead of numbers as your input! Breaking down the Request command The request command has four options, with two being mandatory. The most basic request command you can have is "request "How old are you?",oay ". But let's say you want a little more handle on your execution of commands. Since you don't prefer to have a bunch of mess in your output, you would want to define DispFlag. DispFlag basically tells the compiler "print this to the calculator or not". DispFlag is either true (1) or false (0). There is also another special option called a StatVar. The StatVar is also a T/F, but that is defnied by the user. When the user encounters the request window, they are given two choices. OK or Cancel. Whenever the user selects either one of the choices, the calculator automatically logs the StarVar as 1 or 0, respectively. This is an invaluable tool for dealing with user noncompliance, which was explained earlier. Avoiding unwanted bugs with the Request command Assessing to common knowledge, computers normally resolve to "on" or "off" (like Ke$ha), right? (Unless you're running with quantum computing, of which I would love to see!) The same thing applies the "request" stuff. When you use request, you are given two options: "OK" or "CANCEL". If you're just using request to store variables (which is completely redundant, even counter-productive), choosing "Cancel" would do absolutely nothing, as the program would progress with no input given, with the request command completely ignored. But let's say you're running a complex application with if's and such. If a variable that the "if" relies on is undefined, then the program will totally wig out at the lack of definition and immediately abort the program with an error. To avoid this, we use a technique I call: "ReqWrap". To apply a Request Wrap, you must define two actions, like a fork in the road. Of course, the two actions must not be the same (which would again, be redundant). The request wrap is generally having an if that corresponds to a request's StatVar right after the request is asked. In order to utilize a request wrap, you must have a StatVar named. Your ReqWrap must also be logical and with common sense. The simplest way to use a ReqWrap is to have it set up so that when a user presses cancel, the program automatically ends (cleanly) by skipping the meat of the program in general. (Below is an example program that calculates the amount of sliced apples that could be made with x apples in a machine.) [Insert new program header] Request "Number of Apples",qa,0,hqa If hqa=0 Then Disp "Apple Slicer aborted." Goto asprgmend ElseIf hqa=1 Then define sa=ga/10 define sa=sa@>decimal disp sa Endif lbl asprgmend [Insert end program opposite-header] The italicized lines show a basic wrapper for a request function. Basically, it's a fall-back for when the user quits the application by hitting cancel. Under normal, unwrapped circumstances, the program would progress normally and screw up. But normally, that would not be enough to protect a program from user-error. Let's say the user hits "OK"... but enters no input. This would cause an equally wiggy error to the program if they hit an unwrapped cancel. Unfortumately, we cannot do much if the user refuses to give input. But, we can prevent the calculator from wiggin' out if the user gives an out-of-bounds input. To counter this, we would have another wrapper layer that tells the calculator, "if the amount of apples is below/above a certain number, then automatically abort the program. This is seen below in the bolded text alongside the italicized text. [Insert new program header] Request "Number of Apples",qa,0,hqa If hqa=0 Then Disp "Apple Slicer aborted." Goto asprgmend ElseIf hqa=1 Then If qa<1 Then Goto asprgmend ElseIf qa>0 Then Define sa=((qa)/(10)) Disp sa," sliced apples can be made from ",qa," apples" EndIf: EndIf Lbl asprgmend [Insert end program opposite-header] HOW TO APPLY REQUEST TO YOUR APPLICATIONl Generally, people would use "request" as a formal way to ask for input in an organized window. Although I choose in my programs to ask for input at the beginning of the program, sometimes, it would be much more logical to ask for input as the program progresses. For example, your program asks for a code to start the program. Obviously, you would not ask for other inputs right after the code input, as that would spoil the secrecy about the program's internals. (Rough and dirty explanation. ![]() Although not recommended, you could apply request to a "true/false" scenario. As in have the user input 0 or 1 for false or true, respectivly. Of course, this is quite not recommded as your program should determine that on it's own rather than have the user read a "text command" before hand and using a brashly thrown-together true/false box. USING TEXT Text is NOT a variant of request. It is simply just a standard information window, but access was recently given to the user. Of course, you can use text to display disclaimers, EULA's, instructions and etc., but that's pretty much all you can do. In fact, that is the only thing you can do. You can only control the text displayed, and whether or not to print the defined text to the calculator output or not. You should know, the text is not stored in a variable, but ripped directly from the instruction itself. Therefore, you cannot call up the text later in the program to print the message (to the output) to the user without retyping everything again. text "STOP COLON I DUN WANNA EULA ANYMOAR.",0 ![]() Note the "0" at the end of the teletype. That denotes that the defined text NOT be printed to the calculator output, the same with request. When you use "text", it can be applied almost anywhere, with the thought in mind that the user will actually take the time to read it and not pass it off as another spam post. Normally, these text boxes should only contain important messages, such as warning the user about some ludicrous input. (Something nice to add to request is to tell the user theyput in an invalid input and take them back to the request box.) CONCLUSION Texas Instruments has provided us with some valuable tools here. It's up to us whether we will use it or apply it correctly. The request command is a powerful command, with it being similar to modern day input windows. And the "text"-box is also useful as well for displaying vital information. How we use it will shape the user's and out experience on the calculator programming field. _______________________________________________________________________________ Text copyright of AGVolnutt You may link to this text, but not copy or repost it on any other site. Author's notes: I spent a few days on this. If this has some errors or is not to your standards, please post below on how I can improve in the future. Input is much appreciated. I also colored the teletype text, so this could be used as a basis for a potential IDE for nSpire. 24
News / Re: Omnimaga opens tutorials section on website« on: June 14, 2011, 10:18:39 pm »
Will there be a "nSpire BASIC" section? 25
General Discussion / Re: Katy Perry's E.T.« on: June 13, 2011, 11:29:19 pm »
When did Katy Perry have deer legs? o-o
I find the song okay, but a little bit... Strange as well. Maybe the metaphor with an "alien" is more of a reference to how strange a person may be. Off Topic: If you really don't like pop songs, a guy named CS188 has a series of music videos (called "Pooping the Charts") that *mutilate* today's pop hits to... *other meanings*. Of course, I'm not going to link it since it's probably not suitable for light-hearted people. ![]() 26
Gaming Discussion / Re: Is Portal 2 too short for its cost?« on: June 13, 2011, 06:28:03 pm »Also to comment on the post about "release then fix later", sometimes having to fix stuff later is inevitable. What about games like "The Witcher"? The first edition was so much crap, the made a "enhanced version", which IMO should've been an update for the original Witcher buyers. Sure, bugs spring up from time to time, but I'm talking about the things that were the fault of poor development and laziness. 27
Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello!« on: June 13, 2011, 06:24:41 pm »
Welcome to Omni!
Are you programming on the 84 or nSpire? /insertpeanutshere 28
Gaming Discussion / Re: Is Portal 2 too short for its cost?« on: June 13, 2011, 11:22:56 am »
All games these days are now $60. $10 above the norm.
![]() I have never played Portal 2 either, but the games and their quality and support these days do not make it work $60.Think about it. Developers are saying "release now, patch later." (What I'm saying makes a bit more sense if you play PC.) 29
TI-BASIC / Re: (solved) I know Nspire Basic is awful, but how can I start coding in it?« on: June 08, 2011, 12:05:51 pm »
Although this is solved, I would recommend you download the reference guide from the TI site for the language. It helped me a lot in programming, as you can quickly look at each function and what it does, (and more importainy, how to use the syntax!) I certainly hope you are starting the nSpire dailect of TI-BASIC.
![]() http://education.ti.com/calculators/downloads/US/Guidebooks/Detail?id=6778 30
Other Calculators / Re: Some CX questions« on: June 05, 2011, 12:18:09 am »yeah you have to have bought it the ones TI gave out you aren't allowed to take apart do they come by your house to check? Or do they stalk you online? It's okay if you can't answer. (NDA. ![]() |