i'm trying to use the keyboard on my Linux kernel but i can't -.- i type on the keyboard and nothing happens -.-
i will tell all that i've done:
1- i've downloaded the kernel (
http://tiplanet.org/nspire-linux-builds/zImage_expanded_latest.tns) and rennamed it to "zImage.tns", i've downloaded the initrd (
http://tiplanet.org/nspire-linux-builds/start_initrd.ll2.tns), the binary (
http://tiplanet.org/nspire-linux-builds/linuxloader2.tns), the script (
http://tiplanet.org/nspire-linux-builds/start_initrd.ll2.tns) and the ndless.cfg.tns edited with that line "ext.ll2=linuxloader2" (
2-i've replaced the ndless.cfg.tns on my nspire touchpad non-cas.
3-i've created a folder named "Linux" on my nspire and i've send the zimage, initrd, script and Linuxloader
4- i've used Linux, all working good, just exploring, and today i tried to use the keyboard.
5- for use the keyboard i rebooted, connected the Nspire to a powered usb hub while in Nspire OS before running the bootloader, runned the initdr script, the Linux opened, i've connected the keyboarb to the powered usb hub but when i type nothing happens :s
what am i doing wrong?? :?
(sorry about bad english

i don't understand this because i've done almost the same of this guy on the beggining of the video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2MiVkXhAYs, the only diferences are that i use the script wich adds that cmdline and my Linux have "nanocx login" instead of "buildroot login"