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Messages - AnToX98
« on: June 09, 2014, 11:29:43 am »
Wow so pretty , I have to show dat to pierrotdu18 Now, Jens K -> back to the editor
« on: May 27, 2014, 12:42:03 pm »
No I'm 100% on the editor and I can't open menu EDIT : I deleted "platform.apilevel = 1.0" and replaced create by and it works
« on: May 27, 2014, 12:06:34 pm »
Why I can't open MENU ?
« on: May 26, 2014, 12:08:37 pm »
The old image format still works as well.
« on: May 25, 2014, 02:55:04 pm »
Thank you jens you are awesome Reducing functions would be very nice to as I mentioned it but I know it's hard to do it Could you give anyways the new file ? Another question : how about compatibility with the "Ressources" images on os 3.6 ? And customize the colours ?
« on: May 15, 2014, 02:20:30 pm »
One simple word : wow :p
« on: April 15, 2014, 03:17:38 am »
What do you mean by shifting the view ?
I think that it is slow because of re-adding each time new shape to spaces, but I don't know how to do it by different way. When I move the body by using setPos, just the body moves and not the shape...
« on: April 14, 2014, 12:36:33 pm »
Looks super nice
« on: April 13, 2014, 03:34:35 am »
Help ?
« on: April 12, 2014, 05:54:41 am »
Hi jims I'm back with my falldown but I have 2 problems : - The ball don't falls in the hole --' - It slows down so much : why ? ------------------------------------------------ ----------- LUA FALLDOWN, BY ANTOX98 ----------- ------------------------------------------------
platform.apilevel = "2.0"
require "physics"
---------------------- ----- BALL CLASS ----- ----------------------
Ball = class() Seg = class()
function Ball:init(x, y, w, mass) self.width = w self.body = physics.Body(mass, physics.misc.momentForCircle(mass, 0, 10, ZERO)) self.body:setPos(physics.Vect(x, y)) self.body:setMass(mass) self.shape = physics.CircleShape(self.body, w, ZERO) self.shape:setRestitution(0.6) self.shape:setFriction(0.6) end
function Seg:init(x1, y1, x2, y2) local a, b = physics.Vect(x1, y1), physics.Vect(x2, y2) local mass = physics.misc.INFINITY() self.coor = {x1,y1,x2,y2} self.body = physics.Body(mass, physics.misc.momentForSegment(mass, a, b)) --self.body:setPos(physics.Vect(x1, y1)) self.body:setMass(mass) self.shape = physics.SegmentShape(self.body, a, b, 18) self.shape:setRestitution(0.6) self.shape:setFriction(0.6) end
function Ball:paint(gc) local p = self.body:pos() local x, y = p:x(), p:y() local r = self.width / 2 gc:setColorRGB(255,0,0) gc:fillArc(x+r, y+r , self.width, self.width, 0, 360) end
function Seg:paint(gc) local a = self.shape:a() local b = self.shape:b() gc:setPen("thick") gc:setColorRGB(0,0,0) gc:drawLine(a:x(), a:y(), b:x(), b:y()) end
function initGame() w = 318 h = 212 ZERO = physics.Vect(0,0) LARGE = physics.misc.INFINITY() space = physics.Space() space:setGravity(physics.Vect(0,9.8)) count = 100 walls = {Seg(0,0,0,h), Seg(0,h,w,h), Seg(w,h,w,0)} for i = 1, #walls do space:addShape(walls[i].shape) end seg = {} --space:addBody(sol.body)
ball = Ball(w/2-10, 30, 20, 1000) space:addBody(ball.body) space:addShape(ball.shape) timer.start(0.01) end initGame()
function on.timer() space:step(0.1) if count == 100 then count = 0 generate() else count = count + 1 end moveSeg(0.5) platform.window:invalidate() end
function generate() r = math.random(0, w-40) seg[#seg+1] = Seg(0, h, r, h) seg[#seg+1] = Seg(r+40, h, w, h) space:addShape(seg[#seg-1].shape) space:addShape(seg[#seg].shape) end
function moveSeg(n) for i = 1, #seg do seg[i].coor = {seg[i].coor[1],seg[i].coor[2]-n,seg[i].coor[3],seg[i].coor[4]-n} local a, b = physics.Vect(seg[i].coor[1], seg[i].coor[2]), physics.Vect(seg[i].coor[3], seg[i].coor[4]) local mass = physics.misc.INFINITY() seg[i].body = physics.Body(mass, physics.misc.momentForSegment(mass, a, b)) --self.body:setPos(physics.Vect(x1, y1)) seg[i].body:setMass(mass) seg[i].shape = physics.SegmentShape(seg[i].body, a, b, 18) seg[i].shape:setRestitution(0.6) seg[i].shape:setFriction(0.6) space:addShape(seg[i].shape) end end
function on.arrowKey(key) if key == "right" then ball.body:setAngVel(5) elseif key == "left" then ball.body:setAngVel(-5) end end
function on.paint(gc) ball:paint(gc) for i = 1, #seg do seg[i]:paint(gc) end end
« on: April 11, 2014, 03:57:17 am »
Very nice game : just an AI and everything is done =D
« on: April 04, 2014, 12:04:10 pm »
Wow, awesome work Jens ! You deserve the POTY ! Now I hope you'll work a little bit on the editor
« on: April 01, 2014, 11:08:36 am »
Nice game and super coding
« on: March 31, 2014, 02:26:19 am »
Here's my code :
------------------------------------------------ ----------- LUA FALLDOWN, BY ANTOX98 ----------- ------------------------------------------------
platform.apilevel = "2.0"
require "physics"
---------------------- ----- BALL CLASS ----- ----------------------
Ball = class() Seg = class()
function Ball:init(x, y, w, mass) self.width = w self.body = physics.Body(mass, physics.misc.momentForCircle(mass, 0, 10, ZERO)) self.body:setPos(physics.Vect(x, y)) self.body:setMass(mass) self.shape = physics.CircleShape(self.body, w, ZERO) self.shape:setRestitution(0.6) self.shape:setFriction(0.6) end
function Seg:init(x1, y1, x2, y2) local a, b = physics.Vect(x1, y1), physics.Vect(x2, y2) local mass = physics.misc.INFINITY() self.coor = {x1,y1,x2,y2} self.body = physics.Body(mass, physics.misc.momentForSegment(mass, a, b)) --self.body:setPos(physics.Vect(x1, y1)) self.body:setMass(mass) self.shape = physics.SegmentShape(self.body, a, b, 10) self.shape:setRestitution(0.6) self.shape:setFriction(0.6) end
function Ball:paint(gc) local p = self.body:pos() local x, y = p:x(), p:y() local r = self.width / 2 gc:setColorRGB(255,0,0) gc:fillArc(x+r, y+r , self.width, self.width, 0, 360) end
function Seg:paint(gc) local a = self.shape:a() local b = self.shape:b() gc:setColorRGB(0,0,0) gc:drawLine(a:x(), a:y(), b:x(), b:y()) end
function initGame() w = 318 h = 212 ZERO = physics.Vect(0,0) LARGE = physics.misc.INFINITY() space = physics.Space() space:setGravity(physics.Vect(0,9.) sol = Seg(0,200,w,200) --space:addBody(sol.body) space:addShape(sol.shape) ball = Ball(w/2-10, 30, 20, 1000) space:addBody(ball.body) space:addShape(ball.shape) sol.body:setPos(physics.Vect(0,-30)) timer.start(0.01) end initGame()
function on.timer() space:step(0.1) platform.window:invalidate() end
function on.paint(gc) ball:paint(gc) sol:paint(gc) end sol.body:setPos(physics.Vect(0,-30)) [/size] [/size][size=78%]Strangely, the body moves but not the shape....[/size][/code]
« on: March 30, 2014, 08:57:28 am »
Please could someone help me ?