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Messages - TIfanx1999

Pages: 1 ... 111 112 [113] 114 115 ... 403
TI Z80 / Re: Mana force 2 in english...
« on: May 25, 2013, 03:05:23 am »
Wow, that is a pretty big necropost. :o Still nece to see older games getting some love though. :)

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi, it's Stolen Goods.
« on: May 24, 2013, 07:51:09 am »
^^Thirded. And welcome. :)

Other / Re: New Desktop. Or as I like to call it, Batman.
« on: May 24, 2013, 07:49:35 am »
My goodness Eeems! :O That's nice, but quite a lot to spend. I've been thinking about upgrading myself, but like Keoni, I'd be reusing a lot of the current parts. I'd mainly want to upgrade the graphics card. Other concerns would be cpu and ram. I already have a decent monitor and my 37" hd tv as a second monitor.

*edit* Might need a new power source too depending on what all I get. Haven't priced anything out at all.

Miscellaneous / Re: Religion Discussion
« on: May 24, 2013, 07:42:48 am »
@Pimathbrainiac I agree that the catholic church(and probably other churches as well) have made big mistakes in history. And they were definitely wrong.
I myself am not Catholic, just a Christian who bases himself on the Bible. However, it doesn't mean that if a leader of a group does something bad that the whole thing is corrupt...

The Bible is infallible: It has NOT been proven wrong. There may be translation that are wrong though.
Evolution has flaws, so according to you I may call it all wrong?

Trust me, science isn't as accurate as it may seem. It is many times flawed.(For example, putting an age on a piece of stone/other thing).

I believe in de-evolution, and that makes a lot of sense to me. Say you have a superdog, and then it's descendants have little changes and they devolve to different kinds of dogs. However, they'll never be as perfect as their ancestor was. Same with humans, are age is always getting shorter, and it's not only because of all the sicknesses.
Devolution is happening, and has been witnessed, not the opposite.
That makes no sense at all. In fact the opposite of what you say is true. People are living longer today than they were say 50 years ago due to advances in science and knowledge. This is why many things are happening like retirement ages being continually pushed back. In Japan people aged 65 and over account for 22% of the population and are expected to account for ~40% of the population by 2050. People are continuing to get stronger and smarter. World records for physical feats are constantly being shattered and science is advancing at crazy rates. I have no idea where you would get the idea that people and other animals are devolving, and if you could believe that why believing evolution exists is so difficult to you.

Miscellaneous / Re: Random YouTube Videos
« on: May 23, 2013, 10:26:00 am »

I think my brain just exploded. :o

Other / Re: Serial VFD to TI-83+
« on: May 23, 2013, 08:59:25 am »
That's pretty neat! :D

Miscellaneous / Re: Religion Discussion
« on: May 23, 2013, 08:40:29 am »
Iirc it never really came from Jesus's own mouth who he was. But by His works it was seen.

I'm pretty sure it did(in the bible) some believed him, but many people didn't .
Quote from: mdr1
Sorry. Everything having a beginning must have an origin.
Ok, fair enough.

Just as in Christian faith, something had to cause god to create the universe.
Quote from: mdr1
Nope, God isn't in time. He invented it. So he didn't create universe "at a certain time".

That's not really what I was saying, but I'll respond. The universe as we know it came into existence at some point(if you believe in intelligent design or the big bang). So I guess you could say at that point time began. A decision had to be made, other wise we would have no universe (again this is if you believe in intelligent design).

Quote from: mdr1
There is no "there might be" here, this proposition takes place on the philosophy debate. Do you think it is only a "there might be" when you think about Jesus, about what apostles did, about marvelous lands on Earth, about the fact you are you and not only material?

I'm not sure where you are going with Jesus and his apostles.

As best I can tell the Earth exists and is how we observe it to be. I myself exist and am a living thinking being as far as I can tell. However, if I accept these as possible out comes I also have to consider the fact that perhaps I am wrong. I also have to consider: Perhaps the earth does not exist and neither do I. Perhaps the earth exists and so do I, but I interpret them differently from what they actually are in reality because I lack the proper sensory input to observe reality as it actually is.

Well, God didn't create the world in 7 days so its quite possible. God is not bound by time, so 10 billion years to us could seem like 1 day to God. Of course we will never know or be able to understand this.
When it comes to souls, perhaps we are flashed like EEPROM chips??? We will never know, if someone has died and asked him, they haven't come back yet.

You're right. According to Genesis, god created not only the world, but everything in 6 days. On the seventh day he rested and saw that it was good. Regardless of whether or not you believe gods existence to be infinite or not, 6 days is pretty clear. This suggest that the act of god creating the universe began time and his work took a measure of six days. Even if a being exists outside of the existence of the universe as we know it I find it extremely difficult to believe the that being would not be able to grasp a concept like the measure of time, and that furthermore it would be reported incorrectly.

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: 500 guests online every evening
« on: May 22, 2013, 09:32:59 pm »
They all want to be your friend DJ. :P Seriously though, I have no idea.

Miscellaneous / Re: Religion Discussion
« on: May 22, 2013, 03:19:34 pm »
If what you say is true, then their was indeed a cause that prompted god to create the universe, even if it was his own narcissism(perhaps vanity is a better word here?). My point was that regardless, their had to be something to prompt the creation.

Miscellaneous / Re: Religion Discussion
« on: May 22, 2013, 03:03:24 pm »
Why must something cause God to do something? He doesn't live in this world. He must not bend to it's limits which he put there.
He also made our brain, and how we think. God doesn't want to be so clear(I am who I am).

Because if there was no reason for god to create the universe then the universe as we know it and everything in it has no purpose and simply exists for the sake of existing.

Miscellaneous / Re: Religion Discussion
« on: May 22, 2013, 02:33:56 pm »
@mdr1: The point I was trying to make was that you said everything must have an origin. I was wondering with you making that statement how you could choose to exclude god in that. If you think about it, It's possible that the conditions required for the big bang and the forces behind the big bang always existed. When the universe was created, something caused those conditions to occur. Just as in Christian faith, something had to cause god to create the universe.

In regards to time, Id say it's just a unit of measurement just like anything else. You could say existence of some sort has always been (if that is how you choose to believe).

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: May 22, 2013, 10:56:38 am »
Guys, I know this is just supposed to be a fun thread, but some of the "9001 signs that you're addicted to calcs and Omnimaga" are getting to be a bit ridiculous. This thread isn't titled "9001 random things we can say here to artificially reach 9001 signs". So try and keep it more on topic mkay?

Miscellaneous / Re: Black People, Unite!
« on: May 22, 2013, 10:47:58 am »
If I remember correctly, Raylin was too. I haven't seen him here in quite a while. Also, programming is a very broad field. Although you haven't seen many or don't know if many doesn't mean they aren't there. I think if you actually looked into it you would find that there are more black programmers than you think.

Web Programming and Design / Re: RFG Image Uploader
« on: May 22, 2013, 10:28:15 am »
Damn, that sucks. :/ DJ_O is correct though, there are several trustworthy people here who could run RFG. If a file approval system were put in place, it'd make things even easier. *edit* I believe the rule was no pornographic/inappropriate content may be upload. IIRC, that was pretty much the only rule.

Minecraft Discussion / Re: mc mod
« on: May 22, 2013, 08:44:46 am »
Hello mcfluffy28655. This is indeed the right place, and I do believe we have a few people here that mod minecraft. However, your post is pretty unreadable. If you want help, you need to make your posts much more clear and explain things properly. I'd suggest you to go through your post and add in missing words and fix your punctuation. Do your best with spelling too, it doesn't have to be perfect, but it'll help a lot with readability if it's close (you could also use a spell checker). Lastly, don't rush through to post something (if you are). Take your time, and gather your thoughts. You will make less mistakes this way. :)

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