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Messages - AzNg0d1030

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Humour and Jokes / Re: Omnimaga--Ponified!
« on: August 16, 2012, 09:28:48 pm »
I hope you don't mind, but I used the Pony Generator to do this:

I had to draw the hair myself. I hope you like it.
Dang it! D:
I was going to hand draw one with the hair in the shape of the 'o'
but now it's too late... T_T

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: [contest] MafiaBot
« on: August 16, 2012, 08:05:05 pm »
This reminds me of an existing IRC MafiaBot on Rizon (sorry if you think this is advertising, trying not to make it seem that way).
It's really complete with scripts and a lot of roles, as well as several commands and leveling.  You should check that one out for ideas. (

Good luck developing a good mafiabot :)

edit: If you want to know some roles from that mafbot, here they are:
Civilian: Doesn't do anything but watch and vote (until Lvl 4 where they become a good role)
Killer: Well, kills.  Works alone, unless someone invites him to help.  Can't be killed unless by a kill_killer command or hanged
Mafia: Kills.
Detective: Checks people and is able to kill people

These are the roles that start to get added in when there are more players
Mafia's snitch: Works like a detective and sees what the other people's roles are
Mafia (again)
Homeless Bum: Works with detective, checks people
Schizophrenic: Sees if people are 'asleep' or not. Asleep means they are a role that doesn't do anything (civ) not asleep means they do something.  20% wrong
Doctor: Heals
Prostitute: Sleeps with players, which figures their roles, is a neutral role, can infect with AIDS
Mafia's lawyer: Watches a player so that if hanged, will be considered innocent
Mafia's agent: Prevents players from checking whoever the agent watches (they get the wrong answer.  check maf and get civ or something)
Drug lord: deals drugs, figures what roles people are, neutral
Hacker: Hacks and publicly tells what the victim's role is, unless faked
Hitman: Kills people when requested

Extra's (after dead)
Ghost: tries to kill who killed him.  Doesn't work otherwise
Farmer: Can kill anyone, however misses like 90% of the time
Crackhead: A zombie revived by  druglord that does what the druglord orders

:) And this is only the basic stuff, nevermind when the roles start leveling up

SLENDER FOR THE NSPIRE CX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Took out the cause of the bleeding eyes)
This would be a great idea, however, how hard would it be to make?  The controls wouldn't be that bad, touchpad for looking and numbers for moving, but the whole point of slender is the creepy music that builds up.  Without sound output on the CX CAS (color calculator would be best I'm assuming) all of that will be lost, making the game much less suspenseful. Not to mention how long I think porting that game would take... (It is a computer game after all, and a new one at that.  Most ports of games on Ndless are all older like GB, GBA, NES, Dodgin', etc.)

nDoom / Re: Video of nDOOM running on a real calc (Re-uploaded!)
« on: August 15, 2012, 09:46:00 pm »
The video currently has 369,048 views. That's almost as many as all my 195 other videos combined! O.O
I can't find it D:

News / Re: Transform your CX into a CX-C and install the dictionnary!
« on: August 14, 2012, 03:12:25 pm »
Indeed :

/Applications/TI-Nspire CAS Teacher Software.App/Contents/Resources/res/documents/dictionary
ah thanks

oh that's what u meant.
well I'm typing on a iPhone :(

but yours wasn't complete

cool we both win

omg the game le jeu it is real why do you spend your time on reading this text

omg the game le jeu it is real why do you spend your time on it I'm assuming since cut off

+1!!! for both of you geniuses
This looks absolutely insane.
I hope you didn't put anything that would make it just crash your calc completely!

News / Re: Transform your CX into a CX-C and install the dictionnary!
« on: August 13, 2012, 09:06:50 pm »
C:\Program Files (x86)\TI Education\TI-Nspire CAS Software\res\documents\dictionary
Oh whoops I'm sorry!  Would you happen to know if it was a Mac?

News / Re: Transform your CX into a CX-C and install the dictionnary!
« on: August 13, 2012, 03:47:09 pm »
I've used the patch, but where do I find the dictionary to install?

What happened:
The box said that it mimics a CX-C yada yada yada
I go to the home screen and a gray line appears but no "D" for dictionary.
When I change my language to Chinese, the D appears, but it says that you must ask a teacher to install the dictionary.

Where do I find it?

nDoom / Re: nDoom - BETA!
« on: August 08, 2012, 09:35:34 pm »
I learned the keys by repeatedly seeing the screen XD

News / Re: Transform your CX into a CX-C and install the dictionnary!
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:33:20 pm »
That's cool.

@Az I doubt you would need to reinstall ndless, since ndless is what handles the conversion in the first place. It's not changing OSes, it's altering the existing one.
Oh okay I see.

But still am wondering if the dictionary takes up space.  After all, I have little space due to my GBA games... XD

News / Re: Transform your CX into a CX-C and install the dictionnary!
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:15:41 pm »
Do you have to reinstall anything related to Ndless after you make the CX into a CX-C?
Such as emulators, nClock, anything?

Edit: Also, how much memory does the dictionary take up?

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