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Messages - AzNg0d1030

Pages: 1 ... 29 30 [31] 32 33 ... 38
Whoo hoo hoo...
Won't be long now!
*Calc community has beaten TI once again...

 :love: I love those that who made this possible!

TI-Nspire / Re: TI-Nspire GB Emulator
« on: December 04, 2011, 09:05:36 pm »
Holy moly  :o
This is amazing...  :crazy:
My head just exploded  :banghead:

How long do you estimate before this comes out?
Is it going to be months like I was told about the older Ndlesses...

News / Re: Ndless 3 Alpha on Nspire CX CAS (photos + video)
« on: December 04, 2011, 08:47:00 pm »
How did I not see this thread... YES!

Darn good job!

(P.S. My CX CAS was $127 (USA)) :angel:

Lua / Re: Color tetris
« on: December 03, 2011, 03:28:33 pm »
I would say sprite 2 looks best

News / Re: ColorTetris
« on: December 02, 2011, 07:38:10 pm »
Sure 8)

TI-Nspire / Re: Bloxorz
« on: December 02, 2011, 07:36:24 pm »
i'll change it directly, hope it got some effect, but it think that speed improvement isn't needed, as it reacts to keypresses nearly directly...

Does anyone have some ideas for a highscore? i don't really know what i should count as highscore, as when i take the lowest nr of movements, you have a highscore when finishing the first level. It has to be something that's over all the levels. Now i use totalmoves/levels played, but it's kinda strange i think.

16 perfectly working levels (not those with the splitting parts), i think i'll keep it with that. Maybe i'll make a leveleditor in later updates, but we'll see..

now working on a graphical level selector and menu

ooohoo hoo hoo looking forward :D

News / Re: Phoenix arrives on the TI-Nspire
« on: November 26, 2011, 05:41:11 pm »
Wow awesome. I just scored 109009 earlier. The game looped back to level 1 with my triple plasma gun, but I had 3 energy left and money to buy 6 more, and I never could keep my energy and money high enough to survive very long. I think I reached level 7 on my 2nd run before finally dying.
Hehe DJ_O, you aren't that good huh... >:D
JKJK, I failed several times before I got the score I put on the previous page.

Other Calculators / Re: Ndless 3.1 alpha testing has just begun
« on: November 26, 2011, 05:39:31 pm »
O_O So excited!!! (Even though I have a CX)

TI-Nspire / Re: Bloxorz
« on: November 22, 2011, 10:26:41 pm »
:O here you are Nick! This looks great! >:D hope you get a beta out. Hehe...


News / Re: ColorTetris
« on: November 22, 2011, 10:20:42 pm »
NICK! Why u no talk!


News / Re: ColorTetris
« on: November 21, 2011, 01:26:57 am »
No O.O
Its not when they are all the way up top :P
Its anywhere, but the blocks take each other's space sometimes D:
EDIT: So did you fix it? :D
I didn't say only when it's on top

News / Re: ColorTetris
« on: November 20, 2011, 12:15:18 pm »
Oh BalancedFury was right, there is another overlapping problems that occurs when (usually at a high speed, high level) you try to flip a piece right as it is about to touch-down and stop, so it may overlap the piece it's on top or to the side of.

Lua / Re: Color tetris
« on: November 20, 2011, 11:52:20 am »
Ok good. I wasn't sure if he noticed that bug but I didn't feel like reading through the 6 pages of text. X.x
Haha, there was a big post that he did of it! :P
(And don't worry, there are a lot more bugs I've found that I've already said to him)

Lua / Re: Color tetris
« on: November 19, 2011, 08:56:20 pm »
The new version seems promising. I didn't read the whole thread but does it fix the bug where the piece that is falling doesn't have its guide shown completely at the bottom of the screen? I don't know how to replicate this, but sometimes the guide you see at the screen bottom that shows where your piece will land is one block too high.
He said he fixed it

Lua / Re: Color tetris
« on: November 18, 2011, 06:15:16 pm »
For all the fans of ColorTetris (if there are any xp), i'm already working on a newer and better version! i fixed the highscore failure with the 40 lines mode..that was so stupid, and it's so weird i didn't notice that (also, i had some other testers that are not on this forum, and they didn't noticed it too xs nice testers...).

Hehe... I'm good >:D

Yeah I found out that when I said that the piece would teleport after being held too long, I found that it would teleport usually to a piece of the same color that was already placed down, either taking its place (like on it, so basically no difference other than the fact the held piece is gone) or connecting to it and extending it, overlapping others.

This also happens when say a blue S piece is coming down and I press tab to get out my held blue S piece.  I thought it disappeared when it possibly took the place of the blue piece that was already coming down.  Where this theory came from: Usually when you get out a held piece it starts from the top of the screen.  Like the situation above, the piece just keeps coming

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