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Messages - BlakPilar

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 49
The Axe Parser Project / Re: Display one character of a string?
« on: March 30, 2012, 02:58:00 pm »
Ahh, okay, thanks guys. Does that also mean that if I wanted to store the quote character to a string, I could do something like E22->{N+Str1}?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: March 30, 2012, 02:55:55 pm »
I don't think he has any other hooks installed, but I do know that after I sent him zStart and Axe, MirageOS's displaying was messed up really bad, he uninstalled zStart, nothing happened, then the next day it fixed itself.

The code for the program though, was just this:

We weren't going to use the appvar, I was just teaching him pointers.

The Axe Parser Project / Display one character of a string?
« on: March 30, 2012, 08:28:15 am »
I know that I can display every character after a certain position by doing something like Str1+N, but how can I only get the character at N?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: March 30, 2012, 08:17:44 am »
I'm not 100% sure if this is all Axe's fault, but whenever my friend goes to compile a program that gets a pointer to an AppVar, the program itself runs fine, but then it closes saying it can't get the AppVar, and whenever he goes to press PRGM afterwards, his calculator freezes and he needs to pull a battery. His OS is 2.53MP and his bootcode is 1.02, if that helps.

WabbitStudio Software Suite / Re: Wabbitemu on Android
« on: March 27, 2012, 04:25:19 pm »
I have that version on my phone right now and it works perfectly.

I don't need code, just an idea or two. 3D dungeons and dungeons in the non-handheld games still allow for more things to be placed, boot, because they don't have such a small memory restriction. Personally I thought the dungeons in Minish Cap were pretty fun, so I might make the dungeons in our game in that kind of style. (Though, we'd have to implement movable tiles.)

EDIT: Yeah, saint, we're just talking about dungeon design.

I just didn't like the LTTP dungeons, or the DS series dungeons. TP's dungeons were alright, but Skyward Sword's were amazing. Best in the series in my opinion. The thing that makes them better is the sense of progression, and clever manipulation of the dungeon's gimmicks. Usually there is a central mechanic and purpose to the 3d dungeons that is unmatched in the 2d ones, which are usually just sprawled and unorganized puzzle mazes. Also, they didn't make getting new items as satisfying, because they were not as important to manipulating the dungeon. In the later games, getting the new item meant new possibilities and new puzzles. It is an overall more satisfying experience, rather than actually recreating the mood of a real dungeon.

Well that's almost a given. The dungeons from the 2D games are just that: two-dimensional. There's not much you can do with two dimensions. The 3D dungeons add the element of height, allowing for more complex and rewarding dungeons, mazes, puzzles, etc.

Blakpilar I hope you didn't miss your 666th post <_<

I didn't, I posted in the 666 topic along with a screenshot.

I don't like the classic style dungeons, like in LTTP and PH. I think there should be a 2d game that has dungeons in the style of the 3d ones.

What do you mean "in the style of the 3D ones?" To be honest I haven't played any of the 3D Zelda games.

EDIT: Also, saint, I have literally nothing to do in my pre-calculus class except make fonts with zStart and attempt to make a better tilemapper, so I could work on some of the actual engine too if you don't have time.

Minecraft Discussion / Re: Minecraft
« on: March 14, 2012, 07:45:16 pm »
I'd post my server, but I'd like to avoid random people I don't know getting on. :P If anyone wants the IP, just PM me.
Mine is a city-builder, semi-creative. Semi-creative means that if u ask, I will probably give you money to build what you want.
Basically, I like handing out free stuff.

Has the world changed since I was last on?

Other / Re: Help with a custom build?
« on: March 14, 2012, 07:41:21 pm »
My max budget is around USD$700-$750 (all of the parts for this build will be for my birthday and Christmas because I really don't need anything else lol). The Cooler Master I linked to has good reviews, though, so I think I'll just stick with that and if need be I'll upgrade in the future or just add a fan.

Other / Re: Help with a custom build?
« on: March 14, 2012, 05:13:55 pm »
So I was talking to one of my friends today and we've decided that an i5/i7 would be better than an AMD, and since I don't really plan to overclock anything, I'm going to say i5. Now I just need a new mobo, GPU (I'm going to go with an ATi Radeon HD :P), and I guess I'll go with 8GB RAM.

Other / Re: Help with a custom build?
« on: March 14, 2012, 06:32:46 am »
I was talking to some friends yesterday and we came to an agreement that I should try to go for at least an i5 processor. As for the case, does it really matter as long as it has some kind of built-in cooling system (i.e. a fan)? I mean, I don't really plan to overclock it unless I'll need to to play Crysis (inb4 I do :P). But thanks for the links D4rkr4in, I'll check them out.

P.S. Yes, 1TB is completely necessary for me lol. I somehow managed to nearly fill 500GB in a year or two, and I'd want to be able to be able to use this build for a while.

Ooohhh, okay. What you can do to fix that is edit the tokens file. Near the beginning of the file you'll find a token entry that has text="^2". That's the ² token. You can change it to something like text="^^2" to fix it. Just note, though, that if you ever want the ² token you'll need to do ^^2 instead of ^2.

Is this a problem with BexIDE, or just an Axe problem?

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