Question: does kArmTI run with the /W command-line flag on by default. Every time I boot the 3.0.0 CX CAS DEVBUILD boot1, the emulator issues a warning (as does nspire_emu) and I have to enter 'c' in the debugger to keep booting.
I'm sorry, but i don't think i can help you with that 'boot1 3.0.0 CX CAS'. Actually, i don't own it so i could not test it. So far, the only version of CX CAS boot1 that i've tested is version 3.0.99.
SpiroH, this my humble contribution to these great emulators.
Testing nSpire_emu and kArmTI with some different ROMs I have found a problem emulating the CX prototype. Boot1CX-3.0.0.DEVBUILD rises a warning in the emulator and it breaks as DoctorWkt has already reported.
Boot Loader Stage 1 (3.00.DEVBUILD)
Build: 2010/9/14, 16:30:29
Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Texas Instruments Incorporated
Using developer keys
Last boot progress: 65
Warning at PC=00007718: Bad write_byte: 0001c634 00
debug> c
We have to press c for continue the execution as a workaround.
Last night user fortytwo, in the #omnimaga IRC channel, helped on solving this issue. He changed line 47 of emu.c initializing the boolean break_on_warn flag as false in order to run smoothly. Maybe the emulator could include another command line argument such as /W in order to activate break_on_warn flag if desired.
fortytwo compiled a test version of nSpire_emu and it runs smoothly. Could you do the same with kArmTI?
Thanks in advance!!!!
SpiroH, let me raise an issue with kArmTI not seen with nSpire_Emu. I am playing around with the emulators and nSpire_emu can run Diags using this command line:
nspire_emu.exe /1=boot1cx.tns /MX /PD=diagscx.tns
It loads the Diags code showing the available tests. This is the console printout:
When running the same command line with kArmTI, Diags doesn't load. The console printout is this one:
It just halts. Is it a failure of the emulator or am I not configuring it correctly?
Also, I take it that 3.0.0 boot1 can't boot later 3.x boot2s?
Yeah, i gather there's been some boot1 changes, but then again i'm not an expert on this version-tracking stuff. Maybe some other people, like Goplat can provide further input (?).
In the meantime, try to find a more up-todate boot1, if you can . Cheers,
I can just test nSpire CAS and the nSpire CX prototype since I do not have any other than mine and the CX prototype Boot1 Rom. I'd like to compare the rest but I can not do it alone since I can not find more Boot1 ROMs. Suggestions are welcome, if anyone wants to help please PM me.
Thanks again for these great emulators!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!