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Topics - BrownyTCat
« on: December 19, 2012, 04:59:12 pm »
I recently got help with learning to tilemap, but all my attempts to add offsets to the mapper to make "smooth scrolling" (not just "jumping" 8 pixels at a time) have ended in failure or broken collisions. A lot of the tutorials don't look suited to exactly what I'm doing, or have just confused me as a newcomer to this concept. I've tried a LOT of fixes with collisions, but they never worked, so I have to ask anyone with experience for help if you have the time. Thank you. Source is attached, all one program. Should have comments/labels in it to tell you what some parts are. P.S. - Are there any IDEs that work with Axe under Windows? The only thing I have is the old TI Data Editor for OSX, and my old G4 absolutely loves crashing.
« on: December 16, 2012, 06:49:26 pm »
I wrote this for a platform game and it currently uses a pic to store data. All of the files are attached, but I've hit a problem with run speed due to my horrible coding skills. If anyone could convert it to load data like "real" tilemaps, I'd appreciate it, but try to keep it understandable/commented as I cannot do polar math or anything at all. Also try to make it suitable for a sidescroller as that's what I was initially aiming for. Thank you.
TMAPDATA - Program/subroutine to define the GDB(s) TMAPSRC - Main source for the mapper Pic2 - Single PicVar used to store all the data for up to 8 tile varieties in 8-pixel-tall rows. The engine scrolls smoothly across all 64 horizontal pixels/tiles.
The source has some small labels/comments that should at least tell you what something is.
« on: March 13, 2012, 10:45:21 pm »
I need to get this to stop closing when it starts. Not sure what change I made that did it, but it worked perfectly before. Also if possible I want to ask for a simple way to draw a static tilemap (no scrolling) that I can fit in here; I'd rather be able to understand it than have it be barely faster. Tried fixing this for days with no luck but thanks to the Mac version of TI-Connect being fantastic and including an actual BASIC editor and a logical transfer method I can get this up here for examination and help. If you have a Mac I recommend that port, I just dusted off my old PPC.
.TEST .GFX ClrDraw ClrDraw [FFFFC3DBDBC3FFFF]→Pic0 [FF9999FFFF9999FF]→Pic2 [00FF00FF00FFFF00] .MOV1 [10107CBCBA282834]→Pic1 .MOV2 [10107CBCBA284466] .MOV3 [08083E3D5D14142C]→Pic9 .MOV4 [08083E3D5D142266]
.VARS 0→J→Q→D→F→L 20→X→Y
.GREY ClrDraw Pt-On(16,48,Pic2) Pt-On(32,48,Pic2) Pt-On(32,40,Pic2) DispGraph ClrDraw
.LVDRAW Pt-On(16,40,Pic0 Pt-On(32,32,Pic0 Pt-On(0,56,Pic0 Pt-On(8,56,Pic0 Pt-On(16,56,Pic0 Pt-On(24,56,Pic0 Pt-On(32,56,Pic0 Pt-On(40,56,Pic0 Pt-On(48,56,Pic0 Pt-On(56,56,Pic0 Pt-On(64,56,Pic0 Pt-On(72,56,Pic0 Pt-On(80,56,Pic0 Pt-On(88,56,Pic0
.ANIM If F>16 0→F End If F>8 If D=1 Pt-On(X,Y,Pic1+8 Else Pt-On(X,Y,Pic9+8 End Else If D=1 Pt-On(X,Y,Pic1 Else Pt-On(X,Y,Pic9 End End
.KEY-QUIT If getKey(15) 1→Q End
.KEY-LEFT If (getKey(2)) and (pxl-Test(X-1,Y)=0) and (pxl-Test(X-1,Y+7)=0) X-1→X 0→D F+1→F End
.KEY-RIGHT If (getKey(3)) and (pxl-Test(X+8,Y)=0) and (pxl-Test(X+8,Y+7)=0) X+1→X 1→D F+1→F End
.GRAVITY If (J=0) and (pxl-Test(X,Y+8)=0) and (pxl-Test(X+7,Y+8)=0) Y+1→Y End If J>0 If (pxl-Test(X,Y-1)=0) and (pxl-Test(X+7,Y-1)=0) Y-1→Y End J-1→J End
.KEY-JUMP If getKey(54) If (pxl-Test(X,Y+9)=1) or (pxl-Test(X+7,Y+9)=1) 16→J End End
DispGraph End
Pause 1000
« on: November 03, 2011, 08:24:03 am »
I recently decided to downgrade my blue clickwheel nSpire to OS2.1, but TI Nspire Computer Link is missing, and since TI messed up so badly, most people can't even run the PC versions below 1.6. I found 1.2 on a CD and 1.3 and 1.4 online, none of which work at all. 1.3 and 1.4 give me a "communication library" error and 1.2 does this on XP but doesn't even install on Win7. I did try TiLP2 but it literally never detected my calculator while it was on, plugged into a USB port. What should I do or how can any of these be fixed? If anyone has a copy of link 1.6 I can run that without problems.
« on: September 24, 2011, 06:09:59 pm »
I have to keep Windows XP on my bedroom desktop to play games on Steam, but should I add Mint for everyday stuff? I already know the hardware is compatible since it had Mint before, and I usually use the Fluxbox one. If I should get it, which one should I get, or should I just use a different distribution?
« on: June 25, 2011, 09:31:51 pm »
I've tried "timer", but all it does is screw up my redrawing. The wiki's explanation is pretty vague if it makes any sense.
« on: June 22, 2011, 06:28:14 pm »
You don't have to be specific about the location and I'm not going to, for example (this is a legend that exists), The lake I'm at has a legend that sometime a few decades ago, some people (probably older teenagers 16-19) tried to make a submarine out of steel barrels and tested it and such, and it worked. They tried to navigate it to 100 feet below water to set a record of some sort and were smashed by the water pressure. (They're still there today, etc.)
« on: June 19, 2011, 08:57:20 am »
This started as an experiment, but I forced out a demo. To-Do List! v0.1: The cursor does nothing and enemies can't effect you; minor audio volume balancing issues.After nine years in development, hopefully it will have been worth the weight wait. Retrieve demo here. (EXE; should NOT contain anything harmful). Screenieeeee!
« on: June 10, 2011, 03:53:38 pm »
I tried connecting to the example server as a test, but there's no response...
C:\Users\BrownyTCat\Desktop\gcnclient>gcnclient -n IRCHub -l BrownyTCat -d direct -s -p 4295 Resolved hostname. Wrote 21 bytes to socket (join msg) (and it stops here)
Quick info: Socket name: IRCHub Local/endpoint name: Brownytcat Connection to Computer: Direct (I'm using an 84pSE with a USB cable) Server: gcnhub Port: 4295 (default)
Has anybody at all tried this, or does anyone have a server to connect to? I really want to try networking on 84+.
« on: June 03, 2011, 09:13:22 am »
And manual anti-aliasing. By hand. All of it. I now have no life.
« on: May 29, 2011, 09:30:38 pm »
I'm working on a C++ program that only needs MS-DOS to run which will going to "emulate" the terminals in Portal. The only part that's actually done right now is a fraction of "Still Alive" too small to release. This program runs anywhere from DOS 5 to Windows 7. It will probably be able to link to other EXEs in the source code in case anyone wants to write an optional component to run inside "Aperture Terminal".
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« on: May 25, 2011, 03:33:55 pm »'s Z80, 8080, x86, and 68k, too. The link is the full source for 80 I think. Linux rejects "make", because it has no 'cc' command.
« on: May 19, 2011, 12:59:38 pm »
I basically need a blank scrolling platform engine in AXE BASIC, my crappy pxl-Test one is dead and I need good collisions.