Miscellaneous / Re: Rating TiCalc files
« on: September 16, 2011, 07:35:04 pm »
I believe it needs at least 3, and the ratings still take 24 hours or something to show up
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Miscellaneous / Re: Rating TiCalc files« on: September 16, 2011, 07:35:04 pm »
I believe it needs at least 3, and the ratings still take 24 hours or something to show up
Miscellaneous / Re: Rating TiCalc files« on: September 16, 2011, 07:26:51 pm »
Ratings are automatic IIRC, it's the reviews that take
Computer Programming / Re: What am i doing wrong here?« on: September 16, 2011, 07:22:14 pm »
No problem! You might have been seeing some C++ code, as I think thats how they define arrays o.O
Graviter / Re: Graviter« on: September 16, 2011, 07:18:14 pm »
Dayum that sexy! This is going to be an astounding game when it comes out!
![]() EDIT: The new friction library should help out a bit here as well, cause you wont be sliding all over the place ![]() 1040
Computer Programming / Re: What am i doing wrong here?« on: September 16, 2011, 07:16:29 pm »
The syntax for an array is int[] array = new int[5], not int array[] = new int[5].
The second issue is that you cannot do commands outside of a method, so you will need to move the two button.setBounds into the constructor or wherever you want them 1041
Miscellaneous / Re: Rating TiCalc files« on: September 16, 2011, 06:59:44 pm »
I'm focusing mainly on the Basic categories, with Puzzles being first on the list ^^ I've found a couple good ones, I'll post them in a sec
Computer Programming / Re: What am i doing wrong here?« on: September 16, 2011, 06:33:31 pm »
It would help to see more of the code, like where you declared the buttons, and where you are trying to create the arrays. What type of object are the buttons?
Miscellaneous / Re: Rating TiCalc files« on: September 16, 2011, 05:20:50 pm »
I would say just rate them, since Reviews take a lot longer to make, and a lot more time to play the game to write a review. We want to give quality ratings, but at the same time, there are a lot of programs out there. We can also do things, like where people sample the archives, rating programs as we go, and if we find a good one, they can tell everybody else so it gets rated, and we can look through the authors profile ect...
Also it might be good to start with files that have screenshots, that way we can be more sure we are testing a program that deserves to be rated up. What do you guys think? And what section should we start in? Basic? Asm? What kinds? 1044
Miscellaneous / Rating TiCalc files« on: September 16, 2011, 02:59:48 pm »
So a while back there was talk of getting a whole bunch of people together to rate a bunch of TiCalc files. This would help all games get on the map, because as of right now, even the game with the worst rating is ranked higher than the 95% of other games that don't have a rating at all. So I suggest we all band together and plan to give every file on TiCalc a rating! We would start with one specific category, like Basic Strategy or something, and work our way through the archives. We would organize also so that each one of us doesn't end up rating masses of quadratic formula programs too. Not only will this give all games on the archives more coverage and a fair chance, but there are probably some hidden gems out there, just waiting to be found!
So lets get this started! Vote for the area you think we should rate first and lets get on this! 1045
Graviter / Re: Graviter« on: September 15, 2011, 01:45:30 am »
Probably what you are noticing is the subtle differences between the way the two engines handle motion. Zedd has the subtle things like that small bounce when you fall onto the ground instead of stopping completely; that small time of acceleration to move instead of moving instantly.
Graviter / Re: Graviter« on: September 14, 2011, 07:15:13 pm »
Awesome! I'm so glad Zedd integrated so seamlessly with your game
![]() 1047
TI-BASIC / Re: Help with making a tetris game in BASIC« on: September 14, 2011, 06:39:47 pm »
No problem
![]() 1048
TI-BASIC / Re: Help with making a tetris game in BASIC« on: September 14, 2011, 05:46:44 pm »
Glad you got that part figured out, and sorry about the rotating code, I was thinking half in Java and Half in Ti-Basic, it's all fixed now
![]() 1049
TI-BASIC / Re: Help with making a tetris game in BASIC« on: September 14, 2011, 02:25:08 pm »
Ah that's clever! That would make things significantly faster during line checking ^^
TI-BASIC / Re: Help with making a tetris game in BASIC« on: September 14, 2011, 01:54:10 pm »
I've made a few tetris games in Basic, let me share the way I did it. First off, the way I stored my pieces is in 2 lists, 1 for X offset and 1 for Y offset. Each list had 4 coordinates, 1 for each piece. These values would look something like this: Code: [Select] X = {-1,-1,0,1} Note that these coordinated would make some form of the L shape, to output them, we would do something like this: Code: [Select] For(I,1,4) It's important to see that I have 4 variables here, the two lists X and Y, and then the two variables S and T. The lists hold the shape of the piece, while the variables hold the Location of the piece. This is a good thing because this is what allows us to rotate our pieces quickly: Code: [Select] X->Z That code operates on the lists, and rotates the shape clockwise, you can switch the negative sign to the Y instead of the Z to rotate the other direction. Collisions I am a bit unfamiliar with Casio homescreen text commands, so I will assume there is a way to detect whether a single space is filled. Whether you utilize some sort of Pixel Test function, or use a Matrix, the logic is the same. There are two conditions for a collision, you either move a piece into a wall, or rotate a piece into a wall. Assuming we have a way to detect whether a position is filled, collision checking is simple. First we merely move or rotate the object blindly, then loop through all positions of the new piece position and check if any of them are filled. If any of them are, we reverse the object operations and resume the game. Because of this, you will need a way to rotate both directions. Line Detecting: Because of the size of the tetris field, it might be difficult to check every line every time a piece is placed, so instead we will check only the lines that possibly could have a completion, and these are the lines that the piece ends up in. The piece is made of 4 blocks, which means at a maximum we will have to check 4 lines. When we check for lines, we take the Y locations of the object, remove duplicated, and sort them from top to bottom. The we loop through each Y position from top to bottom. For each Y position we check all of the blocks in that line, if any of them are empty, we skip this Y position and go to the next. If we are at the last Y position, we move on to playing the game. If, however, all of the blocks are filled, we move onto the line clearing algorithm. It consists of mostly a line shifting algorithm, and this is how it works. If a filled Line was detected at location Y, we go through every block in that line and replace it with the one above. We then do that for every line above Y until we encounter an empty line, after which we are finished clearing and shifting. Once we check and clear every line we need to, we can choose the next piece (which can be done from a lookup table) and start the next turn! Does that all make sense? Hopefully it helped ![]() |