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Messages - Builderboy

Pages: 1 ... 82 83 [84] 85 86 ... 375
You could start here :D

TI Z80 / Re: My explosive contest entry
« on: May 17, 2011, 09:50:27 pm »
I love the big gun lol XD that was part of the original idea, how cartoony the physics and people were.  Like how the character pulls his gun from nowhere XD

TI Z80 / Re: My explosive contest entry
« on: May 17, 2011, 09:29:45 pm »
So I have replaced springs with ropes, and I must say I really like the way it turned out :D I actually used a lot of ideas that I learned while writing chainfire, and it amazed me actually how similar they were.  It was also really cool to see how seamlessly I am able to integrate different physics objects and constraints into my engine ^^ it automatically adjusts for any force based system!

Oops, necropost, oh well :P

I don't know if this approach was purposely left out, as it's 15 bytes larger than the current routine and sometimes slower. I'm referring to the square root routine. Whereas the current routine (14 bytes) takes 37n+38 T-states (linear time), where n is the result+1 (1-256), the following routine (29 bytes) takes 5n+800 T-states (near constant time), where n is the number of set bits in the result (0-8). The existing routine is faster for values that would yield results of 0-19, but this routine would be faster for values that would yield results of 20-255, which is a much broader range of the 8-bit spectrum. Also, it would be much more reliable to run at a near constant speed in programs which rely on that to run smoothly themselves. The existing routine would take only a few hundred T-states for low inputs, but would take up to OVER NINE THOUSAND T-states to calculate the square roots for the highest inputs. So it's up to you if this is something you want to use.

Code: [Select]
.db __SqrtEnd-1-$
ld a,l
ld l,h
ld de,$0040
ld h,d
ld b,8
or a
sbc hl,de
jr nc,__SqrtSkip
add hl,de
rl d
adc hl,hl
adc hl,hl
djnz __SqrtLoop
ld h,0
ld l,d

Methinks this really should be added.  Its *much* faster most of the time, and runs in more constant time, which is something that would be great for a routine with a reliable speed.

News / Re: Omnimaga 2011 Programming Contest, Part #1: Axe Parser
« on: May 17, 2011, 04:38:43 pm »
You mean "polar"?

Ooops yeah XD Haha if only Portal Functions were that easy :P

I myself have springs set up but I might try to change them into rope if its not too hard or slow

News / Re: Omnimaga 2011 Programming Contest, Part #1: Axe Parser
« on: May 17, 2011, 03:46:11 pm »
I can't tilemap because polar functions hurt my head and make me leak brain fluids.

Why are you using Polar Functions with a tilemap? O.o

TI Z80 / Re: My explosive contest entry
« on: May 17, 2011, 03:42:35 pm »
Hah thanks guys :] And don't be so hard on yourselves!  Everybody always has a chance, don't rule yourselves out! ^^

Axe / Re: Axe Q&A
« on: May 17, 2011, 03:41:51 pm »
Its not a mode, but more like a style of programming that gives you more precision.  The idea is that you multiply your position variables by 256 to give you a screen that is 256 times as big (and consequently has a *lot* more possible positions and a lot more precision) and then when you display your sprites you "zoom" back out by dividing by 256.

This has been written about a lot, I'm sure there has got to be a tutorial about this somewhere, or at least a more in depth explanation.

TI Z80 / Re: Vortex
« on: May 17, 2011, 03:37:33 pm »
Same questions as BrownyTCat, how precisely will Vortexes work?  How will they be placed?  How many can you have at a time?  What will they effect?  Will there be enemies?  What kind of obstacles block your way?  I can't wait to see this progress :D

TI Z80 / Re: My explosive contest entry
« on: May 17, 2011, 03:03:49 am »
Definitely, everybody has a chance in this, and you can never tell what the results are going to be ^^

TI Z80 / My explosive contest entry
« on: May 17, 2011, 02:51:48 am »
So I have already started work on my contest entry, which is as of now still unnamed, but progress on the engine goes rather rapidly.  I've already implemented full rigid body physics onto my 4x4 tilemap, and I have also implemented springs, although they are not present in the screenshot.  You will also notice the screenshot is rather explosive >:D

The premise of my game is a puzzle platformer where you are a quite small little person using comically large guns and explosive devices to progress through each level and eventually complete an objective or something.  Right now i'm just focusing on getting the engine working, but so far everything is looking great :) I'll post progress as it comes ^^

The screenie below isn't really a puzzle, as its pretty simple :P But it has the basis for becoming a puzzle and right now is just a testing area for testing the various aspects of the game engine.

Graviter / Re: Graviter - Axe
« on: May 17, 2011, 01:56:18 am »
O.O That looks really smooth and epic, and I can't wait to see all the puzzles you will be able to crank out with all these engine features :D Can you still manually change gravity during this level?

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Long Exposure Pictures from Video
« on: May 16, 2011, 07:09:11 pm »
I actually just did a photo portfolio on long exposures, I should put it up! O.O

Music Showcase / Re: ZTrumpet's Now Making Music
« on: May 16, 2011, 06:40:39 pm »
* Builderboy jams *

^^ I like it :D Definitely great for your first song, I can't wait to see what you come up with next ^^

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: May 16, 2011, 05:23:28 pm »
It's because you're requesting specialized stuff that could be built with Axe's built-in routines.  In other words, you're more-so requesting sub-routines and not actual commands. ;)

His specific command couldn't be written with Axe actually, without some sort of brute forcing of the getKey(A) command.  But we are not saying everything must be an axiom, we are saying things that have very specific uses should be made into Axioms.  Quigibo wanted Axe to have all the general use commands that programmers would use on a regular basis.  He also knew he could never fill all of the requests, and so he created the Axiom system specifically for cases like these, where there is a definite need for a new routine from a programmer, but that routine isn't general enough to be included into the Parser himself. 

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