Here is the link: Note its not completely finished
I really should start writing some more lessons for the fluid dynamics, of course it isn't completely far away from realistic physics, it isn't exactly very realistic either. Pressure is ignored completely, as is illustrated in the diagram below. In real world physics, the water line would be even, but the physics I implemented would leave the water at levels similar to the diagram. Then again, while it may not be realistic when it comes into the actual equations and things like viscosity and pressure, it does present a very nice and quick method for on calc simulation
There might even be some other sets of rules that are equally simple and result in better fluid movement.
On the subject of physics, I just had an idea for physics for sand in your game. Here would be the rules, with lower rule numbers being higher priority:
1) If block below is empty, move down
2) If block below is fluid, swap fluid and this block
3) If block to the right/left and down is empty, move to that position
Maybe instead of a fluid dynamics, I could write about the power of pixel based physics for simulating large physical elements