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Messages - Builderboy

Pages: 1 ... 298 299 [300] 301 302 ... 375
Portal X / Re: Portal X
« on: March 22, 2010, 11:40:39 pm »
Sure no problem :) Static things are pretty easy because all they require is some collision code.  In fact, most of the things i've mentioned are a ton more easy to do than finishing the portal engine (in theory of course :P) I have up to 16 tiles i can use, and so far they are these:

0) Empty space
1) Solid wall*
2) Solid wall
3) Laser
4) Electric Field
5) Spikes
6) Unauthorized material emaciation grid (blocks portals and crates :P)
7) Force Field (portals can go through but not you)

So if i don't add any more, i can double my length encoding and get better compression.

TI Z80 / Re: Trominoes
« on: March 22, 2010, 11:32:00 pm »
I think i would go with circles, filled circles, and squares.  The biggest issure you would have is making sure they don't blur together, and this way they all have some white in them :)

Portal X / Re: Portal X
« on: March 22, 2010, 11:27:22 pm »
Mmm i suppose i haven't talked about what i am going to be implementing.  So here is what i am definitely planning:

Lasers (just like in the original)
Fields (areas that ossilate between charged and uncharged, and kill you if you are in them when they are charged)
Plasma ball things (just like in the real Portal ^^)

Things i might but probably wont implement are cubes and turrets, as for that i would have to generalize my Portal code entirely to support multiple objects, as well as collision between all objects, even through Portals D: it would be a nightmare.

I'm thinking that there might be cubes, but in a different form, where they are passive (cannot be pushed around) and have no collisions between eachother, as the cube/button puzzles are a great part of the original Portal

Axe / Re: Routines
« on: March 22, 2010, 11:15:06 pm »
Well try this code in Axe


Even though you said to display it at 0,0, which is the top left hand corner, it still displays about 3 spaces to the right of that.  Why is this?  Because Axe displays every number with 5 digits #####.  The number you give it is pushed to the very right of these 5 digits ###12 and the whole 5 digits is displayed at your coordinates. Since there are some empty digits there will be some spaces before the numbers start.  His routine is an alternate way of displaying numbers that is more like the output form Basic that we are all familiar with.

I have a super wide screen, so this really doesnt affect me :P but i can see how a smaller bar would be helpfull.  The popup menus would be cool, kinda like that TiBD has.  Can that be done Eeems?

TI Z80 / Re: Monopoly v3.0 BETA
« on: March 22, 2010, 10:56:43 pm »
Yay glad to see you back and working on this again :) and yeah although painful, rewriting code can often times be a great helper to your overall game, and a great learning experience as well ^^

Axe / Re: [tutorial] Program Flow - Platformer
« on: March 22, 2010, 10:43:19 pm »
Map data format:
The data uses run length encoding for comression.  Lets say we had a simple map:

Code: [Select]

Pretty simple, each number representing a different tile.  With normal storage this would take
a single byte per tile.  Or we could represent the data in a different way:

Code: [Select]
Seems much smaller, but what does it mean?  lets insert some imaginary commas and dashes to make
it easier:

Code: [Select]
Now you may or may not be able to see how the data is represented.  The first segment is 1-5, or 5 '1's in
a row, followed by 0-5, or five '0's in a row, and so on.  This is how the data in run length encoding is
represented.  And to further the compression (or confusion), each #-# segment is packed into a single byte.
Instead of two hex digits to represent a number from 0-255, we will have 2 hex digits, each from 0-15,
representing the two numbers of each #-# element.

The first Hex digit 0 to 15 is the tile number.  The second hex digit is the number of tiles to add to the
tilemap.  The digit goes from 0-15, but 0 doesnt make much sense, since that would mean this element doesnt
do anything :P, so we will add one to this after we decompress it so that it has a range of 1 to 16. 

There is a small disadvantage that if you have empty spaces of 17 or more in a row, it will take more than
1 byte to represent in the code.

Decompressing the Map:

Code: [Select]
[Data]->GDB1 //map data to GDB1
[tileData]->Pic1 //tile data for tilemap

0->N //element index for map data
0->I //map index for storing tile data

While I>=96 //until we have stored all tiles
{GBD+N}->A //Take the first element of the map data
N+1->N //Increment the map index
A^16->B //spit the map element into it
A/16->A two seperate elements

For(F,0,B //fill the map from current position I to I+B
A->{L1+I} //could be optimised with Fill but i couldnt get it
I+1->I //working :/

End //End while

After this code is run, the tile data will be decompressed into L1, as folows

Code: [Select]
0  1  2  3  4  5  6
7  8  9  10 11 12 13...

ect, it will be in a straigt line, but you will have to access it using your own routine.  Something like this

Code: [Select]
where W is the width in tiles of your map.  X and Y would be the tile coordinates starting at the top left at

Displaying the map:

here is a rudimentary program that should be run right after the pervious decompressing program:

Code: [Select]
For(X,0,11 //loop through the entire screen coordinates with tiles of 8x8
{Y*12+X+L1}->A //retrieve the correct tile from the data in L1
Pt-On(X*8,Y*8,A*8+Pic1 //draw the sprite to the screen

Also attached is a PEDIT program to create and compress maps into a Hex String into Str1, as well as an Axe program to decompress and display them.  Just put the string data into GDB1

TI Z80 / Re: Trominoes
« on: March 22, 2010, 12:09:48 am »
I actualy like that idea, you could even do different shapes for all of them if you wanted, like circle plus and square

TI Z80 / Re: Trominoes
« on: March 21, 2010, 11:34:16 pm »
I could see this being possible in axe.  The power of the greyscale will have to be proven first though.  I think the speed of asm is mostly needed when doing things like multiple objects and crazy stuff like greyscale :P

TI Z80 / Re: Half Life 2
« on: March 21, 2010, 11:25:47 pm »
Can't wait to see the physics implementation and movement with your character!  Yay progress!

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: March 21, 2010, 11:23:57 pm »
But I want to make sure that before using your suggestion (or SirCmpwn's), I won't run in any further problems, later, doing some stuff with these pointers

Well since L3 and L6 are the backbuffer and the main buffer, i should think so, but you'd have to check with Quigibo o.O Using built in routines would indeed be safer :)

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: March 21, 2010, 07:24:27 pm »
You would probably have to change them to this to preserve the actual LCD buffer.

A) expr(L3,L6,768):DispGraph:expr(L3,L6,768)

And do this, since he was asking to store from the LCD, not the buffer.

B) expr(L3,L6,768):StoreGDB:expr(L3,L6,768)

However, it could be nice to have some built in commands for this.  Perhaps StoreGDB # with different numbers meaning different  buffers?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: March 21, 2010, 06:53:40 pm »
Yesssss!  Loove the sound addition, can't wait to test it on calc, although it might take me a while to get my alligator clips out :D i don't have any adapter so i have to make one :P.  Love all the new commands, the 2 bit manipulation is especially awesome.

TI Z80 / Re: Trominoes
« on: March 21, 2010, 06:48:37 pm »
First off, looks very very awesome and has looks to be very addicting when it is released! ;D

Second off, what is this being made in?  I Assume asm because it has 2 player?

Third off, to ztrumpet quigibo is working on axe right now ;-)

Axe / Re: Routines
« on: March 21, 2010, 04:12:05 pm »
true, but does Mirage use any of the same safe areas that Axe uses?

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