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Messages - Compynerd255

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TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: May 09, 2011, 10:28:42 am »
Thanks. I just eradicated the score system, instead replacing it with a system of multiple wins. Could someone please optimize these statements which I commonly use?:
  • {CONSTANT - VAR}: I use this expression a lot, but I know that subtracting a var is bigger than subtracting a constant.
  • I know that 0→A:3→B is optimized as 0→A+3→B. How far apart can the two values be before this stops becoming effective?
  • If A=0 and (B=0): Can that be optimized using the subtraction trick (If A=1 is !If A-1)?

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: May 05, 2011, 11:58:01 am »
SAD DAY!  :'(

The compiled Eitrix just hit the 8811 byte limit! I was adding a score system to the game, and the game immediately crashed when code broke into the fourth page. Now all progress will be stopped until I hunker down and optimize the thing to death. :banghead:

(And before anyone suggests I compile as an APP, that is not an option to me, because not only would that lock me out of any possibility of CALCnet, but also, my calc likes to turn off randomly, and if it turns off while the APP is writing, I lose everything).

Gaming Discussion / Re: M.U.L.E.
« on: May 05, 2011, 10:17:23 am »
You communicate with someone on IRC, then start a game, I'd assume.
Yes, that's the idea. The Kalliera client requires you to specify your joystick port for the shared emulator, which requires that you coordinate games beforehand. OmnomIRC (or a private chat session) could also be used to chat ingame - a must for the game to be fun.

We could also use this forum to discuss game strategies and post screenshots of your colony.

EDIT: And I'm also thinking of porting this game to 83 Plus after Eitrix is done.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Getting the Hookshot
« on: May 05, 2011, 10:14:33 am »
I think what they might have also tried to get you to do was Read the Freakin' Manual. Ocarina of Time's instruction manual discusses some of the most important items in the game, including the Hookshot. It tells you that you can reach unreachable locations with it, and that it shrinks and stretches. That, combined with your knowledge that Dampe has the "stretching, shrinking keepsake", will let you know where to find the Hookshot.

Gaming Discussion / M.U.L.E.
« on: May 04, 2011, 05:22:46 pm »
I just discovered this great game that my dad used to play as a kid: M.U.L.E.. It is a strategy / economic game for the Atari 800 computer, where you develop plots of land and exchange resources in a free market invironment. Different resources have different uses in the otherworld economy: Food lets you do things, Energy drives your M.U.L.E.s (the mule-like robots that you install on the land), and Smithore is used to make more MULES. It is very complex for an Atari game, with 4 player support, various real economic concepts (such as supply and demand pricing, as well as economies of scale), other ways to earn free money, etc. What's more, the Atari 800 emulator that comes with the game supports ONLINE MULTIPLAYER! Please download at I hope that we can get some games started over IRC!

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Bug Reports
« on: May 04, 2011, 10:21:11 am »
I've got a fake mem clear program compiled in 0.4.7 and it's now complete, but for some reason, it doesn't work when compiled in 0.5.1 and when I do a fake ram clear, the screen goes a little random.  NEED HELP (plus i need a few optimizations)
Try posting the source. We should be able to identify the problem if we would know what commands you are using.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Getting the Hookshot
« on: May 04, 2011, 10:17:55 am »
I do remember that the original Zelda game intentionally lacked hints in order to facilitate discussion - for example, you start the game without the sword and there are no clues as to where it is. The idea was that one person would find out how to do it and then tell his comrades* how, who would progress with him at their own homes. I don't remember any specific clues about the Hookshot in Ocarina of Time, so this might be a vestige of the discussion idea.

*I'm not Communist, btw. I just like to say comrade.

Wait - the Casio I/O cable is different from the TI I/O cable? Well that stinks. I just cut a Casio cable in half to use with my Arduino - does this mean it's not gonna work? I did find the expected red and white wires and the coil of ground wires, but are they wired differently beyond that?

Also, I do know that Casio link cables, since they are angled, do not fit in 84+ calculators (the indent around the port is too tall). That might be your problem as well.

That really sucks. I hope that you had nothing really serious posted on there, because they could really do bad things to your identity if they knew how to get in. All besides, you can't get anything done, and your projects are lost.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Calcnet Library - Testing
« on: April 29, 2011, 10:38:20 am »
I just tested the Axiom and found out that the token bytes were in the wrong order (the symbol was not recognized). Therefore, I swapped the token bytes and recompiled. The program is attached.

And I should say that it will try to send to your calc as a program called OUTPUT, just to warn you.

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: April 28, 2011, 10:25:03 am »
There is no attachment...
I just put it there. Thanks for the fast response, though.

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: April 28, 2011, 10:23:26 am »
UPDATE: Version 0.7

Here are the new features:
  • Fixed crash bug in DCS
  • Fixed random/faulty linkplay messages (now the worst you can get is a 3 second lag when you clear a row, which looks cool anyway :D)
  • You can see your opponent's grid height in multiplayer! (Finally working) In solo mode, that gauge is instead a timer that slowly rises to the top, and you win when the gauge hits the top. In Single Player, when you clear The Wall, it jacks up the gauge 1/8th of the way there.

Please download and tell me what you think!

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Calcnet Library - Testing
« on: April 26, 2011, 09:51:20 pm »
I just compiled it using the copy of spasm supplied with Hot_Dog's tutorial! It's attached to the post. I haven't tested it yet, so please do!

Do you mean a 3D tic-tac-toe?
No, he means what's described in this picture: People move in the small grids, and winning in a small grid creates a mark in the corresponding big grid. Winning in the big grid is the game.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: April 26, 2011, 10:29:02 am »
Here's a request that shouldn't be hard to implement: adding If conditionals to sub and Goto. Because this can be done in z80 ASM, it shouldn't be hard to optimize this:
Code: (Original code) [Select]
!If A-1
to this:
Code: (Optimized code) [Select]
sub(FOO)!If A-1

Also, I would like For loops to work with negative numbers (as a seperate option). For example, For(I,-1,1) is a legitimate loop (check the positions to the left, center, and right, for instance) but would end immediately. So, I would like to specify For(I,-1,1)r to show that the indexes are signed. Oh, and I would also like to specify custom steps in For loops, like we can in TI-BASIC.

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