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Messages - Compynerd255

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Humour and Jokes / Re: Giant cereals with singular nouns
« on: April 25, 2011, 02:51:50 pm »
Yay, a Photoshop! Although what I was envisioning was a photoshop of a kid eating/holding the cereal.

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: April 23, 2011, 07:48:35 pm »
UPDATE: 0.6.1!

Here's the new code.

EDIT: And here's what's new about it!
  • Two new specials: the Flip and the Tower of EIT
  • You can now beat the CPU! A gauge on the far right indicates how long the computer has left
  • *Attempted* to let you see the opponent's grid height in multiplayer
  • Some new optimizations to make the code faster

There are still a few bugs, like the random crashing bug in DCS and strange, buggy messages in link mode (sometimes it says YOU WIN even though you didn't). However, I finally whittled down the crashing bug to a bug in the CLB (cascade cleared rows) subroutine, where if the top row was marked to clear, a bug in the For loop structure would cause all of memory, including my program, to cascade down and crash. :D I'll post an update when I confirm that the bug is actually fixed.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Giant cereals with singular nouns
« on: April 23, 2011, 07:11:36 pm »
Get a Life, FTW! Someone needs to post a photoshop of this.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Giant cereals with singular nouns
« on: April 23, 2011, 04:31:46 pm »
There's also "Trick", but because Tricks is spelled with an X, the singular version loses its charm.  Maybe "Trik"?
Yeah, I though of that as well, but didn't post it. The cereals this doesn't work for are those that end in "Crunch."
One thing that you might want to do for some cereals is to change the names entirely, like "Cocoa Pepples" becomes "Cocoa Stone" (read with a deep announcer voice) or something.

Just got another random idea.  Something like tic-tac-toe, but with sub-fields (a 3*3 grid for every square in the main board, maybe another layer beneath for a really long game) that you have to win to "gain" the larger square (put you mark on it, either an X or an O).  Game is won if user gets three of their X/O in a row in the master grid.

Could be really complicated, but...thoughts?
I've actually played this on a chalkboard. This sounds really cool to put on a calc. One thing I did observe, however, is if both players are skilled in Tic-Tac-Toe, winning in one square is virtually automatic, and so is the master grid as a whole. Thus, you would probably want some sort of chance or strategy thing in the little grid (maybe a different strategy game).

And another idea for a port: Plants vs. Zombies! For those of you who aren't familiar with this game, you plant different plants on your lawn to combat zombies. The plants have different abilites: sunflowers generate money, shooters shoot zombies, eggplants serve as hardy walls, etc.

ASM / Re: What assembly languages do you know?
« on: April 23, 2011, 04:17:25 pm »
I actually don't know any ASM. My only previous experience with low level ASM was the Apple //e's 6502 assembly. That language is incredibly inefficient: 3 registers, 7 flags, different three letter codes for every possible command (LDA, LDX, LDY are all load instructions for different registers), the fact that conditional jumping and relative jumping are inseperable, and multiple NOP operands (not just one). Not to mention that the text editor is quite lacking (no INS mode) and that the bytes of the graphics screen follow the criss-cross interlace pattern of a TV, simply because two OR gates were too expensive in 1977. I didn't vote because of how hard and useless 6502 ASM is.

Humour and Jokes / Giant cereals with singular nouns
« on: April 23, 2011, 12:31:46 am »
You know how many cereals have plural names, like Rice Krispies and Corn Flakes? Well, what if the cereal companies sold giant versions of their cereals, sold in singular packages (one piece of cereal per box). Then, you would have to change the cereal names to singular nouns, like:
  • Rice Krispie
  • Corn Flake
  • Honey Bunch of Oats
  • Froot Loop
  • Frosted Flake
  • Lucky Charm (this one is the best because you never know whether you are going to get a giant marshmallow or one of those weird nasty oat things  :()
What do you think? (Please feel free to submit photoshop magic!  :D).

And also, quite frankly, there are over 9000 Mario clones already. The world needs something new and exciting. Soon, I'm going to start writing a little paper on applying Darwin's theory of evolution to game design.

Humour and Jokes / Re: xkcd comics I agree with
« on: April 22, 2011, 08:57:16 pm »
what happens in my school is a few(3-10) students decide to stand in a group in the middle of the hall nearly stopping or stopping all movement through that area
This is why there are alternate routes in the school. Or getting out of the classroom first thing.

I merged both topics.

Also a NES emulator would probably be a bit hard, because it's a different processor to emulate than the z80. The Game Boy processor was closer to the z80 so it was easier to emulate.

That said, as Yunhua98 points out, you should start with a smaller project if you are new to TI programming. Mario is a huge project to undertake and is not recommended for anyone that has less than one year of programming and when I say one year, I really mean non-stop.
I second what DJ said. Mario has complex stuff like gravity, powerups, and not to mention all those enemies. Perhaps the simplest game you could start with in any language is a number guessing game. Then you could move to something strategic/turn-based, because that doesn't require constant input. Then you can move to an action game.

EDIT: And I just realized I'm Level 5!

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: April 22, 2011, 10:20:57 am »
I have been able to narrow down the bug consistently to one specific routine: the routine that eliminates cleared rows (and is always called except when there are highlighted rows). It crashes rarely in single player on my 83 Plus, but nearly always crashes in multiplayer mode, especially when DCS is involved. Also, the link routines have issues as well. I'll post an update as soon as I can.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Features Wishlist
« on: April 19, 2011, 08:40:47 pm »
But you can just do

Code: [Select]

Lbl R

And save on space.
I think what he means is a replacement routine, where instead of calling the subroutine, the code is inserted inline. I'd like to see that implemented somehow (maybe parsing from the label until a Return is encountered).

Oh, yes, and on the compile menu, I'd also like to be able to hold STAT or something while pressing ENTER to suppress automatic backup creation (like compiling after a RAM clear).

Nice explanation, Hot_Dog. It does a good job of how multi-page apps work. For those of you who need to write such big apps, I have two solutions:
1. If your apps can easily be seperated into multiple parts, split them into seperate pages. Then, stick a subroutine in your RAM that accepts a page and a jump vector, and switches to that page.
2. Place all your data on the first page along with a routine to copy it to RAM. Run that routine, then switch to the second page where your program is stored, offset by the size of the RAM copy routine.

TI Z80 / Re: Eitrix for TI-84 Plus
« on: April 16, 2011, 09:56:20 pm »
I can't debug the program because no debugger geared for Axe exists. However, what I have noticed is that the crash always occurs when the program starts, meaning that there is something faulty with the code in every situation. However, whenever I output text characters to mark where it crashes, it always works fine, but then crashes when I remove the output commands. ???

Yeah, the NSpire with 84 Plus Keypad will be your best bet. Just MAKE SURE you don't get a CAS or a CX, as the 84 Plus emulator is taken out.

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